- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 26, 2024

Colombian President Gustavo Petro, in remarks at the United Nations, called for a “world revolution” against the likes of America and Israel and, oh, all that’s good and proper and moral in the world. 

His god of environmentalism told him to say all that. So did the antisemitic demons whispering in his ear.

Leftists do bow down to some pretty crazy things. And Petro had a full 20 minutes to showcase his crazy.

From Colombia Reports: “The president stressed that ‘vast swathes of human kind’ and their leaders oppose the ongoing genocide in Palestine, but are ignored by ‘a small minority of presidents that are able to stop the bloodshed.’ Also when it comes to climate change, the small minority of leaders who are engaged in war in Western Asia ignore the representatives of the vast majority of human kind, according to the president. … The president called on the peoples of the world to start a global revolution that would allow their country’s resources to be used to save humanity.”

A global revolution against — whom?

In part, against all the “racists, supremacists [and] those who stupidly believe that the Aryans are the superior race” who are currently letting bombs hit “Gaza and Sudan,” he said. Fight Hamas in Gaza? You’re a racist. Fight against the village-pilfering, woman-raping, radical rebel Rapid Support Forces in Sudan? You’re a supremacist.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a “criminal,” he said. Capitalists bring about “the maximization of death” and advance the “climate crisis,” he said. 

The world’s citizens must come together to “build the greatest army of all time, composed of warriors of life,” to fight the “global oligarchy” and bring about a “new history,” he said.

He’s a communist who served in a Marxist guerrilla group and who hates Israel, loves Hamas and thinks Western-type freedoms, a la America, are what ails the world. And he had 20 minutes to rage his rot at the United Nations.

This is why the United Nations is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world — and why the billions upon billions of dollars U.S. taxpayers pour into the United Nations each year is an act of betrayal of American principles. Why pay so much to keep alive an organization that actively seeks to destroy all that’s free, all that’s good, all that’s rooted in American Exceptionalism? Talk about biting the hand that feeds.

America is the United Nations’ largest donor.

“President Joe Biden … restored hundreds of millions of dollars of UN funding that was cut under President Donald Trump,” the Council on Foreign Relations wrote in February. Specifically, Trump cut money that was being sent, directly or indirectly, to fund terrorism; for example, for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWEA. Biden brought back that funding — and then some.

In 2022, America contributed around $18 billion to the United Nations, a figure that’s equal to about one-third of the organization’s entire budget. In 2023, the United Nations charged the U.S. with a responsibility of paying for 22 percent of its regular budget — administrative, staffing and the like — and 27 percent of its peacekeeping missions. Congress only allocated 25 percent to peacekeeping — and now the United Nations has the gall to declare the United States in arrears for its peacekeeping pot.

As if.

As if America owes the United Nations anything.

It’s high time America assess the need of participating in the United Nations at all. Yes, a logical case can be made that by ceding from the United Nations, America gives up a seat at the world’s primary negotiating table, and therefore, has no voice in how governments collaborate on various agendas. The adage of keep friends close, but enemies closer, also applies.

But the United States is the leader of the free world, and strong leaders don’t need permission slips to lead. America doesn’t need to collaborate with communists. America doesn’t need to tolerate communists. America doesn’t need to serve as host of organizations that coddle communists and denounce individual freedoms and actively seek to cut down and destroy American Exceptionalism — especially while taking the money of the very country they condemn.

Trump gets that.

Kamala Harris, same as Joe Biden, does not.

Democrats once upon regularly cried “defund the police.” Conservatives should take a page from that playbook and press “defund the United Nations.”

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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