- Sunday, September 22, 2024

It’s been said that birds of a feather flock together, or, in the words of Sancho Panza, in Miguel de Cervantes’ novel “Don Quixote”: “Tell me your company, and I will tell you who you are.”

If you are an undecided voter, you might want to remember this quote and take notice of what the Democrats are now openly admitting about themselves before you “keep company” with them at the polls in November.

Consider the following.

Just this week, Scott Rasmussen of RMG Research Inc. reported that a survey he conducted of 1,000 registered voters indicated that 28% of Democrats presently say America would be better off if former President Donald Trump were assassinated. And if that’s not shocking enough, another 24% answered the same survey question by saying they “weren’t sure!”

Yes, you read that right: 52% of Democrats (a MAJORITY!) just told you they can’t bring themselves to say that killing an opposing party’s presidential candidate is morally wrong.

But this should surprise no one. This “culture of death” that Mother Teresa warned of has been rife in the Democrat party for years. For example, Statista.com now reports that 42% of Democrats currently support abortion with zero restrictions. That includes up to the point that the baby’s head exits the birth canal.

Yes, nearly half of those voting for Vice President Kamala Harris believe that a fully functional 8-pound baby with a healthy brain, heart, lungs, and liver, and with moving arms, legs, fingers, and toes, can be injected with saline or even ripped apart piece by piece if that child is deemed to be an inconvenience to its mother and or the state. If you doubt the seriousness of this macabre conviction, just remember the mobile aborting clinics parked right outside the Democrat National Convention, where they celebrated this modern-day child sacrifice.

This disregard for life runs deep. It goes well beyond Democrats shrugging at the execution of babies and the potential assassination of Donald Trump. It includes a complete indifference to what their policies are doing to young boys and girls who are alive but probably wish they weren’t.

In 2022 alone, immigration authorities encountered 152,000 unaccompanied minors at our southern border. The Latin American branch of the Coalition Against Trafficking estimates that at least 60% of these children are sold into forced prostitution, child pornography, and or drug trafficking. Tim Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security special agent, corroborates this nightmarish fact with sobering explicitness. In his recent testimony before Congress, Mr. Ballard said, “[These children] can be sold up to 20 times per day, six days a week for ten years or even longer depending on when the abuse began.”

You ask, what does this have to do with the Democrat party as a whole? Multiple surveys now show that nearly half of Democrats (49%) view Vice President Kamal Harris’ and President Biden’s executive leadership on immigration as “about right.” An additional twenty-four percent even say this administration’s policies are “too tough.” This obviously means that about three-quarters of the nation’s Democrats think that the hellish existence of hundreds of thousands of young boys and girls doesn’t matter that much. Let these poor children be trafficked for porn and prostitution. Let them disappear and die for all we know. As long as Democrats can virtue signal about how much they care for the illegal immigrants who are trafficking them, all is well.

And that’s not the half of it. What about the Democrat party’s complete disregard for the exploding rates of suicide ideation in your nation’s youth? A new survey from the University of Southern California Dornsife Center for Applied Research in Education indicates that 79% of Democrats approve of the pervasive trans-indoctrination now rampant in American public schools.

You ask, “What does this have to do with life and death?” Well, even the ultra-liberal Human Rights Campaign reports that 51% of transgender male teens say they have attempted suicide! You would think that when over half of your kids are trying to kill themselves, you might reconsider what you’re teaching them and tap the breaks a bit. But rather than doing so, the Democrats just double down and push more poison.

Whether it be the hoped-for-assassination of Donald Trump, the suicide of our nation’s teens, the execution of our babies, or the “walking death” of hundreds of thousands of boys and girls who are being trafficked across our borders, the uncaring indifference of Democrats should cause every undecided voter to stay as far away from this pathetic party as they can.

Lord help us if this death cult ever gets the power it craves.

• Everett Piper (dreverettpiper.com, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery).

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