- Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Leadership means showing up, taking responsibility, and bearing the burden of decisions. A true leader steps forward in crises, acknowledges failures, and gives credit for success. Leadership is about character, and character is best assessed after failure.

Sadly, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have not demonstrated this kind of leadership or character during and since the disastrous 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. Their lack of planning turned an already difficult situation into a chaotic tragedy, leaving an indelible stain on U.S. foreign policy and American blood on foreign soil. Despite numerous reviews and commissions, no accountability has emerged, and no one has been fired, underscoring perhaps the most critical lesson to learn: leadership matters.

Thirteen brave U.S. service members lost their lives in the aftermath of this administration’s mismanagement. The families of these fallen heroes — now Gold Star families — have yet to hear from Ms. Harris. Compounding their grief is the belief that their loved ones might still be alive had the Biden-Harris Administration been more competent and less indifferent. In the weeks ahead, Ms. Harris will again ask for the privilege to lead our Nation, and a clear-eyed assessment of her leadership qualities is long overdue.

A Botched Withdrawal

The Biden-Harris administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal was a clear example of leadership failure. Months of internal conflict within the administration prevented the formation of any coherent plan. As the Taliban advanced toward Kabul, the White House falsely claimed the Afghan government could withstand the assault. When Kabul fell on Aug. 15, 2021, the U.S. was forced into a hasty and chaotic retreat, abandoning Afghan allies, American citizens, and billions in military equipment. At Kabul’s airport, chaos ensued, with desperate people scrambling to flee. Thirteen U.S. service members tasked with maintaining order amid this disaster lost their lives in a suicide bombing on Aug. 26, 2021.

These deaths were entirely preventable and symbolize the human cost of this leadership failure. To make matters worse, the administration has shown little willingness to hold senior officials accountable or offer empathy to the families of the fallen. Despite being part of the decision-making process and being the “last person in the room” with Biden, Kamala Harris has not reached out to these families, further eroding trust in the administration. Leadership means valuing the lives of those you lead and honoring their sacrifice — a commitment Harris has failed to fulfill.

Abandoned Allies and Citizens

Perhaps the most damning aspect of the withdrawal was the abandonment of Afghan allies who risked their lives working with U.S. forces. Despite promises to protect them, tens of thousands were left behind, vulnerable to Taliban reprisals. At the same time, crowds of people with no tie to America’s longest war forced themselves through the gates and onto the plane. Even American citizens were stranded and left behind, victims of a predictable collapse exacerbated by the administration’s lack of planning.

Instead of taking responsibility, the administration touts the evacuation of 79,000 people as a success, deliberately ignoring that the administration’s lack of preparation was the root cause of the crisis. To this day, Ms. Harris remains silent, distancing herself from the disaster instead of accepting responsibility and driving improvements.

Military Equipment in Taliban Hands

Adding to the chaos is the fact that billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment were left behind, now in the hands of the Taliban. Terrorists now possess American-made technology, posing a threat to Afghanistan and global security. Inaction from the Biden-Harris administration has turned Kabul into a dangerous arms market. A true leader would have acknowledged this failure and worked to mitigate the damage.

Loss of U.S. Influence

The consequences of this withdrawal go beyond Afghanistan, damaging U.S. credibility worldwide. Allies question America’s reliability, and adversaries like China and Russia see opportunities to expand their influence. The administration’s shortsighted “peace at any price” approach has sent a message that the U.S. can no longer be trusted to lead or protect its interests abroad.

American warriors fight for their comrades and expect their leaders to do the same. The Biden-Harris Administration has failed in this regard. Kamala Harris’s silence on these setbacks is telling. Instead of rebuilding trust, she has distanced herself from the consequences, leaving the mistakes of Afghanistan to be repeated in places like Sudan, Niger, and perhaps Iraq.

Who Shows Up?

Former President Donald Trump has met with many of the Gold Star families of the 13 service members who died during the withdrawal. Unlike our current leaders, Mr. Trump has shown up. He understands the burden of leadership and the human cost of decisions made in the Oval Office. In stark contrast, Ms. Harris’s absence is glaring.

As the 2024 election approaches, voters must ask: What kind of leadership does America need? Do we want leaders who take responsibility and honor sacrifice, or do we want leaders who hide from those who are affected the most by their mistakes and cling to political narratives? America needs someone who stands by their decisions, bears the burden of leadership, and honors those who sacrifice for the Nation. That leader is not Kamala Harris — it is Donald J. Trump.

• William Walters is a retired Army Colonel and veteran of multiple combat tours, a former member of the career Senior Executive Service at the U.S. Department of State, and a successful entrepreneur working in the Middle East.

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