- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Donald Trump may have dodged yet another assassination attempt. But what he can’t avoid is the vicious derision of Democrats who want to poke fun at the near-death experiences of the former president.

This isn’t even politics anymore. This is pure evil on display. 

“No ears were harmed,” wrote Rachel Vindman, wife of Alexander Vindman, on social media shortly after it was discovered a gunman had been crouching in the bushes lining Trump’s golf course in Florida, sticking the nozzle of his rifle toward the former president. Gunshots followed. So did the gunman’s arrest. So did a social media message from Trump himself, letting the nation know he was fine and unhurt.

Rachel Vindman’s response?

The full X post: “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.”

Yawn, she said. And her husband didn’t do much better. When a Trump campaign official suggested Alexander Vindman — whose name probably rings a bell because he was a key figure in bringing about one of the impeachments against Trump — but when a Team Trumper suggested Mr. Vindman might want to tell his wife to slow the public Trump Derangement Syndrome roll, he said: “Your candidate @realDonald Trump has incited political violence for a decade. He could reduce the temperature of this election cycle. But you MAGA thrive on bullying. Fact is you are all weak.”

How is it possible that anyone in America is OK with this — and moreover, that America as a nation has devolved into such contemptible culture?

Vice President Kamala Harris issued a statement, post Assassination Attempt No. 2: “I condemn political violence,” she said. Then she also said, “We all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence.”

President Biden issued one, too: “Thank God the president’s OK. One thing I want to make clear — the [Secret] Service need more help and I think the Congress should respond to their needs, if in fact they need more servicemen.”

Tepid, thy name is Democrat response.

Where’s that screeching moral outrage and angry indignation the left is so famous for rolling out when things don’t go their way? Yes, yes, Kamala, we must all do our part. Yes, yes, Joe, the Secret Service could use more manpower — or at least more agents who don’t need to breastfeed on the job. But when a former president of the United States who’s running an active campaign for another White House term is shot at, not just once, but likely twice, and is hit the first time — in the ear — but thankfully not the second, it seems a little bit of panic in the voice of those who weigh in and offer words of comfort and wisdom may very well be warranted.

How about some yelling at least?

Harris could’ve just as easily been responding to a Black Lives Matter protest or an Antifa rally as she was a second assassination attempt on a former U.S. president. As a matter of fact, had an Antifa or Black Lives Matter protester been targeted by a gunman, her criticisms would have reached screech status, and she would’ve held press conferences about the evils of guns, the evils of anti-BLM and anti-antifa types, the evils of racists, and so on and so forth.

Trump gets a generic condemnation of generic political violence and a generic call for us all to do better — one step up from “can’t we all get along.” Maybe if there’s a third attempt she’ll actually use the word “assassination” to describe the assassination attempt.

But really, America shouldn’t be in this position.

Americans shouldn’t be facing the possibility of Trump being shot and killed by some nut job who hates his message and who thinks it’s the morally righteous thing to do to assassinate him.

The fact that we are is due in large part because society has turned a dark corner toward secularism. And from this secularism springs a moral compass that sees citizens becoming more accepting of angry and threatening rhetoric masked as First Amendment freedoms — which are then followed in many instances by angry and threatening acts of violence, again, masquerading as First Amendment rights. Trump didn’t bring this angry and violent tone. The Democrats did.

The Democrats of Barack Obama’s days started the massive “divide and conquer” strategy that ushered in some disgusting and arrogant political times, where race-baiting became sport and the Constitution became a game to avoid by pen and cellphone and executive order. Trump fought this egregious government overreach, and he did so successfully, and he did so by refusing to bow to the media and by fighting entrenched intelligence forces who had been working in the shadows of politics for years. Democrats hated Trump because he put America first and globalists to the side, and they still hate Trump because he vows to do more of the America First same if reelected this November.

And they feel righteous in their hatred because politics is the Democrat Party’s religion.

But Americans should refuse this new national order the Democrats want to instill — the one that puts government as the ruler and citizens as the servant and that trades and sells in human souls. Socialism, communism, collectivism, atheism — these are the Democrats’ ways and means and tools and hopes. They scoff at all that’s good and right and moral. They smirk at violence that targets their political enemies. And they both downplay and embolden evil by sniffing and shrugging when it manifests by way of an assassination attempt against Trump.

Who can possibly vote Democrat today?

Only those who share in the zero values, low morals, no morals of the party itself. This is not about politics anymore. This is about good versus evil.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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