Donald Trump is by far the best choice for president. The policies that he will implement have a proven record of success. After he secured our southern border, the crime rate was much lower and we were all much safer. Local and state government budgets were not stressed or overwhelmed by expenses associated with housing and caring for illegal immigrants. His economic policies ensured that energy prices were low, so the prices of groceries and other consumer goods remained low, as did inflation.

Purchasing oil at a discounted price, Trump filled up the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, placing our nation on a more secure footing should there be an international crises that interferes with the flow of oil. Trump built up our military forces and created the Space Force, making our country and the world a much safer place. Trump will again make our country energy independent by drilling more gas and oil wells. This will ensure that we will not have to send our young men and women to the Middle East in order to trade their blood for oil. 

Kamala Harris’ economic policies, on the other hand, are out of step with those of mainstream Democratic Party members. Remember that in the 2020 Democratic primary, Harris was only able to garner 2% of the vote. The economic policies she supports have been implemented in third-world countries with abysmal results, culminating in empty store shelves, black market operations, malnutrition and sometimes starvation. The only real job Harris has ever held was a low-level position at McDonald’s. She has no real knowledge of how small, medium or large businesses operate.

Harris attained public office with the financial backing of radical billionaire George Soros. Her choice of Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro for  vice presidential pick is an indication that she has not abandoned her true beliefs. Both Harris and Walz are wolves in sheep’s clothing. You may not like some things (or anything) about Trump, but with him, at least you know what you are getting. 

Northampton, Pennsylvania

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