- The Washington Times - Friday, September 13, 2024

The Faith Voters’ created group “Evangelicals for Biden” has just morphed into “Evangelicals for Harris,” with members saying in a Facebook post that Kamala Harris “shines through in her clear Christian values” and “keeps her trusting relationship with God at the centre” of all she does.

That’s an interesting view for a woman who labels the ending of human life in the womb a “reproductive freedom” and who remains one of the few legal minds in the land to think Roe v. Wade never should have been returned to the states to decide abortion matters. 

That’s Christ-like?

But really, not a shocker. Harris, as Sen. Marsha Blackburn noted in videotaped remarks, was rated the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate in 2019.

It’s 2024, but that label of far leftism still holds true. 

The now-deceased and liberal-voting Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may not have been “a fan of Roe v. Wade reasoning,” as The Washington Post put it. Specifically, Ginsburg “would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in a process that included state legislatures and the courts,” The University of Chicago posted on law school news website in 2013.

And this may be the line of logic that’s shared by most legal scholars — you know, states’ rights; the Tenth Amendment; that thing about the unlisted powers in the Constitution and how they mostly belong in the hands of the states and people, and so forth and so on and so forth.

But Harris? Harris has her own twisted interpretation of the Constitution.

“Today, one in three women of reproductive age live in a state with a Trump abortion ban,” Harris said, during remarks made in Jacksonville, Florida, in May. She stated similarly at the debate against Donald Trump a few days ago. 

This is not a Trump abortion ban.

This is a High Court ruling that simply put the issue of abortion back into the hands of the states — of the legislatures — of the people who vote for state legislators — to decide. And it’s a ruling that came, yes, in large part because of the judicial picks Trump was able to have confirmed. But it’s a ruling from the court, just the same; it’s not an executive decree; it wasn’t a Trump abortion ban. To characterize it as such is a lie.

And Jesus doesn’t like lies.

Jesus probably also doesn’t like abortion, or the phrasing of abortion as a freedom. That’s another lie.

“Across our nation,” Harris said in May, “we witnessed a full-on assault, state by state, on reproductive freedom.”

Lies and abortion. It’s tough to see how Harris and her beliefs resonate with Christians. There there are her flip-flops on policies — and her refusal to acknowledge she’s flipped and flopped. In a widely watched interview with Dana Bash on CNN, Harris said, “I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed.” 


Harris 2020 said at a CNN town hall: “There’s no question I am in favor of banning fracking.”

Harris 2024? “[We must] guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate … [F]rom my experience as vice president, we can do it without banning fracking.”

Flip. Flop. Lie, lie.

Harris 2019: “During a 2019 primary debate, Harris said she would support decriminalizing border crossings. She also was among the candidates to raise their hand when a moderator asked if their healthcare plans would include coverage for undocumented migrants,” Newsweek wrote.

Harris 2024? She told CNN, “We have laws that have to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally, and there should be consequences.”

Would the real Kamala Harris please stand up?

Trump in both his previous White House runs won big with white evangelicals, to the tune of more than 80 percent. So naturally, Democrats want a piece of that pie. The group, Evangelicals for Harris, is ramping up its advertising presence, including posting political videos on YouTube entitled, “Fruits of the Spirit,” in which Harris says, “Faith motivates action. It lifts us up and it gives us purpose.”

But if the purpose is to shut down discernment and adopt the left’s favorite religious belief — next to environmentalism — of Love Is Love Is Love, and then to use that wishy-washy unChristian secular slogan to pivot from Bible truths to push socialist-slash-communist agendas, well then, that’s a poor and weak faith. That’s a faulty faith. That’s a faith that serves man, not God.

Christians should not be fooled into thinking that politicians who talk about eradicating poverty, providing health care for all, fighting for equality — or equity — and bolstering family economies and job opportunities are all automatically walking paths of purpose according to the commands of Jesus. Truly, the devil’s in the details. Taking from Peter to pay Paul is not a biblical command; neither is it virtuous or moral. Demanding American tax payers fork over big bucks to provide for illegals is not an act of the godly. And the politicians who demand such, and who open the border doors wide for these illegals to enter, are not doing the good work of the Bible. They’re using their positions of power to steal from hard-working citizens to give to those who sneak and sidestep laws — and then they’re shaming those who oppose their enabling of sneaks and lawbreakers.

Aborting babies is not reproductive liberty. 

Saying one thing and then when pressed to explain, saying the opposite while denying the first thing was ever said at all — that is called untruthful. That is a lie. 

And calling a lie a truth, at the same time defending abortion as a simple freedom, may be fine for the minds and consciousness of Democrats. But it certainly isn’t for Christians. Evangelicals for Harris seems nothing more than a group of lost sheep trying to pretend they’re not — which if you think about it, is yet one more lie to add to the list.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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