- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The entire nation, nay, world was waiting for Kamala Harris to make her first presidential debate moment, wondering if it would be the cackles that got her or her love of repeat nonsensical phrases — “what can be, unburdened by what has been” —that proved to be her undoing, and the whole thing went bust. The debate moderators made sure nobody’d notice. They went out of their way to ask the stupidest, most meaningless questions they could find so as to protect their queen of joy, their paragon of hope, not to mention reform (and yes, please don’t mention reform, because Harris is the incumbent) — and voila, 20 minutes of abortion discussion was born.

Donald Trump hit the number one issue on the head when he said Americans can’t go out and “buy cereal or bacon and eggs.”

The moderators quickly jumped to abortion to hand Harris the open mike. So it was that in the first presidential debate between a proven former president with a record of successes that had the core common denominator of serving America first, and a Venn circling vice president who once went to the border to discover the reasons for the openness at the border and never was heard from again — so it was at this most crucial debate to give the voters a look at the President versus the Pea Brain as they discussed issues of peril to Americans, to include Pea Brain’s feckless border controls — so it was that the moderators deemed it instead of greater significance and value to talk about an issue that’s been settled, and that’s in the hands of the states to settle, and that really, only the furthest left-of-leftists lunatic feminists rate of top priority and a deal-breaker of a ballot box issue: abortion. Let the dance of the moderator dunces commence.

But Mr. Trump — would you sign a bill giving free and unfettered access to abortion to every woman, girl and man identifying as a female? The people wanna know.

Oh, Mr. Trump, don’t be silly. You know and I know that yes, Democrats like the former governor of Virginia you just mentioned, did indeed support the idea of a doctor deciding, along with the unhappy mother, the fate of a baby she just birthed — a la after birth abortion; a la murder — but you know and I know that we cannot let that leak into the public’s consciousness. They might vote for you, for goodness sake! Ms. Harris, could you please talk about little girls who were impregnated by their fathers and how the hospital parking lots are filled with bloodied women who were turned away from personal health care choices because of that term you just coined, what was it, the Trump abortion ban, or something-something to that effect?

Note to moderators: Nobody gives a flying you-know-what about Jan. 6, 2021, about whether Trump still thinks the 2020 election was stolen — news flash, he’s been saying it for four years; he has his reasons and cites them regularly — and about abortion so much that it needs to take front and center at the first public appearance Harris has made that is not completely scripted.

Americans care about the price of cereal. And bacon. And eggs. Americans — especially the youth the moderators spoke of as oh so concerned about climate change — care about the price of food and housing and inflation and fuel and heat and whether the American Dream is something they can actually reach.

Israel? Endless wars like Ukraine? Fake males taking over female sports? A border so open migrants and gang members are taking over towns and, as Trump mentioned, destroying those towns? Pushaw, said the moderators — we talked to one of those guys in one of those towns and he said everything was A-OK. And he had a formal sounding town government title, so you know he’s a truth-teller. Pushaw, said the Pea Brain to Trump’s left, scooping up the golden peas tossed her by the moderators and running with the soundbites against Trump: You lie, she said to Trump.

What a disappointing debate.

But, Mr. Trump — could you please talk about Obamacare and how you failed to repeal Obamacare — and could you please use the word “failure” at least seven times as you answer that question?

Boring, stupid questions from moderators who obviously are so deep in their bubble of media elitism they think going back four years in time is what’s on the minds of the American voter — that, and climate change.

Trump was presidential. Harris was clownish and goofy. The moderators, for the most part, asked meaningless questions. But they were questions that Harris could answer — and they were questions that ate up precious moments of the 90 minutes that allowed a sidestepping of the issues that would have shown Trump positively and Harris negatively. 

And Wednesday’s headlines from the mainstream media chimed right in to advance the one issue Harris thinks will win her this election: “Harris attacks, fact checks Trump on abortion …,” The Washington Post wrote.

“Harris presses a more forceful case against Trump than Biden did on abortion,” The Associated Press wrote.

“Harris’s powerful abortion stance …,” The Guardian wrote.

“WATCH: Trump misinformation about abortion ‘insulting’ to American women, Harris says,” PBS wrote.

Abortion is not the issue on Americans’ minds.

The economy, the border, crime — especially crime due to the illegals who Border Czar Harris has welcomed to America — are the issues of concern to voters.

The moderators know that. So they aimed their focus at four years ago, so that Harris would have something to talk about that didn’t put her on the defensive for her many, many political failures and her mucho, mucho, Marxist agendas. 

Nobody is voting this November on a Jan. 6 concern.

It’s an election to save America from Marxists — to save America from the likes of Harris. And all the Democrat-fawning moderators in the world can’t cover up that cold, hard fact.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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