- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 24, 2024

DULUTH, Georgia — It was one part preaching, one part politicking. Thousands of MAGA-loving, Donald Trump-supporting voters gathered at the Gas South Arena convention venue outside Atlanta to rally for his White House win. Hours before, just next door, hundreds of Christian and evangelical Bible-thumping, God-fearing believers rallied at a Turning Point USA Faith event, the Pastors’ Summit, to energize the church leadership to bring America under a cloak of godly governance.  

The side-by-sides were designed to rouse the Christian voice for political purposes.

And if anyone needs a swift kick in the you-know-what to get out and vote, it’s the Christian community.

As Trump said on a different day, at a different rally: “You [Christians] have a reputation of not voting proportionately. Christians, evangelicals … but Christians and gun owners don’t vote,” The Guardian reported.

This is true. Recent surveys showed millions of Christians haven’t voted in past election, and millions of Christians aren’t planning to vote in this coming election, either. Shame on them. What America gets then is an America that’s steeped in secularism and wickedness. 

According to recent data from George Barna for the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, 79 percent of Americans self-identify as believers. But only 51 percent of these “people of faith” are actually planning to vote this November.

To sit out this year’s White House contest is to cast a vote for evil. 

This is not an election of Republican principles versus Democrat ideas.

This is a pure, in-the-dirt, down-and-out, in-your-face, ugly, vicious, vile battle of spiritual worlds — battle of principalities. It truly is good versus evil.

There is nothing within the Democrat Party and within Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign that speaks to a virtuous culture and honorable government, the kind that glorify God. It’s all about abortion masquerading as health freedom. It’s all about destruction of children masquerading as medical LGBTQ rights. It’s all about feeding Israel to the terrorists masquerading as civil and human rights for Palestinians. There’s nothing that says life; there’s nothing that breathes good; there’s nothing that whispers godly.

Trump is not perfect. 

But then again, he’s a human. He can’t be perfect.

At least his campaign isn’t tied so closely at the hip with wickedness and all-things-rebellious-to-God, though.

The former president is the candidate with the proven record of supporting Israel; of supporting the pro-life movement — it was his Supreme Court picks who returned Roe v. Wade to the states! — and of supporting the law and order and the defense of this nation, from community cops to border control agents. When it comes to crime and criminals, Trump believes in consequences for actions that include deportations of illegals. That alone is a breathtaking distinction. Choose wisely: Sovereign America is at stake. Harris, recall, was the border czar.

And borders are biblical.

God established borders when he booted Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, then established agents to protect those borders called cherubim. He also placed a flaming sword at the border for added, padded protection. It’s called Genesis, people. 

Churches used to do a decent job of educating their flocks on not just why they should vote, but even who they should vote for — Internal Revenue Service exemption be danged. Wolves in sheep’s clothing have corrupted pastors in the pulpit, however. Too many of today’s church leaders believe their jobs are not so much to inform and impart truths based on Bible teachings, no matter how harsh those teaching might prove — but rather to avoid the offense; to avoid offending anyone. 

Here’s a thought: Jesus didn’t care if He offended with truth.

Why should today’s church leaders?

America is only as strong and free as its churches are engaged and active in politics and culture. The reason why this nation has fallen to darkness in recent years is because church-goers have grown silent and ceded society to those with dark hearts.

Those of faith who don’t vote have no cause to complain about the darkness. They have no one to blame for the loss of liberty except themselves. They have nobody to accuse of destroying their children — except themselves.

There’s one candidate who’s actively seeking the Christian vote and who promises to bring forth policies and executive actions that are in line with God-approved principles. There’s one candidate who’s actively pushing away the Christian vote and doing so with full contempt for the idea of faith in politics. 

“Christian students in Wisconsin speak out after Kamala Harris told them they were at the ‘wrong rally,” the New York Post wrote in a recent headline.

A wise Christian wouldn’t open the doors wide for more wolves in America’s government. And failing to vote does just that.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.


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