- Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Dear Dr. E: I recently read a post from a respected leader from a supposedly conservative theological seminary who argued that there are five reasons for a Christian to vote for Kamala Harris. His five were: 1) Abortions actually go down under Democrat administrations and up under Republicans, 2) Climate change will become an existential crisis with Republicans in charge, 3) Universal healthcare is a Christian’s moral obligation, 4) World peace hangs in the balance, and 5) Democracy is threatened as never before if Donald Trump gets reelected. Can you help me respond to my family and friends who respect this man and are considering following his lead? — CONCERNED VOTER FROM SPRING ARBOR, MICHIGAN 

Dear Concerned Voter: 

My wife read the same post and responded to this man. Frankly, she did a much better job than I would have, so I’ll let her words stand on their own. Here’s what she said: 

“Dear Dr. Snyder, the arrogance of presuming to tell me how to vote is quite astonishing. I have read quite a bit on these issues and come to opposite conclusions. I will deal with them point by point.

1. Abortion. Your statistics are, at the very least, misleading, if not disingenuous. You should know that none of the data you present factors in the abortion pill, which now accounts for over 60% of all abortions. This alone nullifies your argument and makes it meaningless. Furthermore, I would hope you’d have greater regard for women than to vote for a party that celebrates and makes abortion their top plank. Please read some of the history of this movement and how men have pushed abortion on women from the start for some very nefarious reasons. I recommend you start with Harvard-educated Soren Foster at Feminists for Life. And as to abortion being an issue of women’s health, let’s just consider the case that Ms. Harris keeps bringing up all the time: that of Amber Thurman. What the vice president keeps saying is a lie: Amber Thurman did not die because she couldn’t get an abortion. She died because of one. She took the abortion pill to kill her twin babies and got sepsis, and it killed her. Please do your homework. Abortion does not go down when Democrats are in charge. Abortion is not pro-woman. And finally, women are not dying because of not being able to get abortions, but rather the exact opposite. 

2. Climate change. I am shocked you don’t know that thousands of scientists are reporting that this entire narrative is a ruse and not good science. You really need to read somebody like Michael Shellenberger, who once worked in the climate analysis field for Green Peace. Or perhaps Bjorn Lomborg, who has written extensively on the devastating impact of climate alarmism on the poor and disadvantaged. Just start somewhere and get better information than the junk propaganda fed to you by the Democrats. 

3. Universal (i.e., government-controlled) healthcare. You said you had a positive experience with this once while visiting Canada. Well, I have relatives who live there, and this is not what they report. The reality is that they come to the United States for serious conditions because the waiting period in Canada could result in much greater illness or even death. Does healthcare in the U.S. need to be fixed? Yes, but first, we need to address Big Pharma. Why do you think they and their political puppets fought so aggressively against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? It’s not because he’s crazy but because he’s calling them out and threatening their gravy train. And to suggest the Republicans are the party of the billionaires is hilarious. Do you not know that over 70% of the top 1% of wealthiest Americans are voting for Democrats and not Republicans? It is not hard to find these statistics if you read outside your party’s talking points.

4. World Peace. This one candidly astounds me. Have you looked around? Does it feel peaceful under this current administration? I don’t understand how that would change if I simply voted for more of the same. And a sidebar: You claim to care so much about healthcare here in the United States, yet you tell us to vote for a woman who has just sent $425 billion to Ukraine. Does that make any sense to you? 

5. Democracy. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your concern. Donald Trump lost the last election and walked away even when he didn’t believe it was fair. You do realize that Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Stacey Abrams continue to say that they didn’t lose their elections either, don’t you? And before you cry, “January 6,” please stop. Mr. Trump was very clear in telling his supporters to be peaceful, and when things got out of hand (with a tiny percentage of them), he told them to stop and “go home.” But that’s something you and your party just continue to ignore.” 

As you can see, my wife is definitely my better half. I couldn’t say it any better. 

If you are seeking guidance in today’s changing world, Higher Ground is there for you. Everett Piper, a Ph.D. and a former university president and radio host, takes your questions in his weekly ’Ask Dr. E’ column. If you have moral or ethical questions for which you’d like an answer, please email askeverett@washingtontimes.com and he may include it in a future column.

SEE ALSO: Ask Dr. E: Is a vote for a Democrat a vote for evil?

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