- Sunday, October 20, 2024

In case you haven’t noticed, America’s religious elites believe you are stupid, and they are pulling out all the stops to tell you so in these last few days before the election.

Just listen to the rhetoric coming from those who call themselves Evangelicals for Harris. People such as David French of The New York Times, Russell Moore of Christianity Today and even lesser-known second stringers such as Howard Snyder, a former professor at Asbury Theological Seminary, don’t even try hiding their disdain for your intelligence.

Here’s a smattering of a mantra that is so insipid that if you’re not careful, you might catch yourself believing these lies despite the absurdity.

“Donald Trump will destroy democracy,” they shout. It doesn’t matter that their party — the Democratic Party — ignored the entire electoral process and coronated a candidate who did not get a single primary vote; it is the Republicans who are the threat to democracy, not the Democrats.

“Mr. Trump won’t accept the results of the election,” they whine, even though they know that Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Stacey Abrams and a host of others have told the world that they didn’t lose their elections either. That “inconvenient truth” doesn’t matter; Mr. Trump is an election denier, not them.

“If you want to avoid World War III, vote for anyone but the Orange Man Bad,” they scold. Does it matter that Donald Trump is the only American president who did not get the country into any new major foreign conflicts or invasions in nearly half a century? No, he’s a warmonger, the facts be damned.

The list goes on.

If you want to save conservatism, vote for a woman who was rated the most liberal senator in the entire upper chamber.

If you want to secure our borders, vote for a border czar who ignored them for 3½ years.

If you believe our immigration system is broken, it only makes sense to elect an incompetent politician who can’t tell you how many criminals she has allowed to enter the country illegally.

If you believe in women’s rights, vote for the delusional soul who doesn’t think women have the right to their own restrooms, showers and sports.

If you want economic justice and affordable housing, vote for the same administration that destroyed our economy, handed us big increases in grocery and gasoline prices and decimated the housing industry by doubling mortgage rates.

If you want sustainable energy, check the box for the candidate whose policies have killed our energy industry and made us reliant on our enemies for oil and natural gas.

And here’s a real doozy. If you want to stop abortion, vote for a woman who supports aborting any baby up to and including that last few seconds before birth.

Do these people not realize how ridiculous they sound? Do they actually think we are this dumb?

The answer is yes. Just listen to them. Hear what those from their side of the political aisle call you in their more unguarded moments.

You lack “gray matter” (Michael Bloomberg). You are a “credulous boomer rube” (former GOP strategist Rick Wilson on “The Don Lemon Show”). You are one of those backwoods rural people who cling to guns and religion (then-presidential candidate Barack Obama). You’re a “deplorable” (former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton). You have the temerity to say you want to make America great again, and that means you are bad (Vice President Kamala Harris).

In this world of Democratic talking heads and their rented evangelical puppets such as Mr. French, Mr. Moore and Mr. Snyder, you are a traditional conservative, and they are embarrassed by you.

These mouthpieces for Evangelicals for Harris think they can convince you that:

• Voting to execute babies via unrestricted abortion is a vote against abortion.

• The loss of generational wealth via hyperinflation is economically just.

• The theft of private property via confiscatory taxes is moral and good.

• The looting and destruction of a Black Lives Matter riot is a peaceful protest.

• Sexually grooming our nation’s youth is great education.

• Trafficking children at our southern border is good child care.

• Degrading women via drag queens advances women’s rights.

• Normalizing sexual deviancy is healthy for mind, body and soul.

• Teaching racism via critical race theory is not racist.

• The prostitution of women by Mexican drug cartels is liberating to women and girls.

• Disrespect for Americans in cities such as Springfield, Ohio, is what the Bible defines as loving your neighbor.

On Nov. 5, remember this is what they think of you. Remember that they really do believe you’re this dumb and that they can convince you that good is evil and evil is good. Remember how insulting all this is and prove them wrong.

• Everett Piper (dreverettpiper.com, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery).

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