- Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Most Americans say they are sick of politics. According to Pew Research, 65% of people feel exhausted when thinking about it. The words Americans most associate with politics are “divisive” and “corrupt.”

And yet here we are in a political season, and we can’t stand on the sidelines. If you’ve got a vote, you gotta vote. And voting is only the first step. It is the starting gun, not the race itself. Citizenship is hard, but hard is not bad; it’s good. Doing hard things strengthens us to be resilient in these times.

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Still, how might people of faith make wise decisions about voting? At Summit Ministries we’ve produced a new video series — available for free — called “Should Christians Avoid Politics” to expose the four myths that silence Christians and keep them sidelined in politics.

This series of six short videos is not sponsored by any political party or interest group. It shows how Jesus taught His followers to navigate political and religious factions recognizing a spiritual authority that transcends worldly divisions. It shows how to make wise decisions even when there seem to be few good options.

Christians are the “called-out ones,” tasked with applying a heavenly viewpoint to societal issues. We seek to engage, not to escape. We recognize the distinct roles of the family, the church, and the government, and how each is responsible for promoting human flourishing.

SEE ALSO: Millions of church-going Christians expected to skip voting in November

Yet many Christians stay disengaged because they fall for myths like, “God Doesnʼt Care About Politics.” The truth is that God cares about everything. His glory covers all the earth, the Psalmist says, and He is deeply concerned about His image-bearers — human beings.

Begin to rethink your role in a culture of partisan divides as Dr. Jeff Myers exposes four lies that silence Christians, keeping them sidelined in politics. Access the full series from “Summit Talks” here.

God’s glory is central to His nature. God’s concern for His glory is not like human vanity. His glory naturally emanates from who He is, and He cannot help but be glorified. It is God’s glory that enables us to be something more than mere animals. Therefore, every decision believers make, including political ones, should reflect and acknowledge God’s glory. This requires understanding Scripture well enough to align ourselves with God’s will, rather than merely pursue our own agendas.

In addition to His glory, God cares about His image-bearers. Human beings are created in the image of God, and this fact alone bestows intrinsic value upon each person. As opposed to the secular view that sees humans as mere “meat machines,” the biblical view emphasizes human dignity and worth. Our primary identity is as God’s image-bearers, which provides stability and meaning beyond transient qualities like athleticism or wealth.

This understanding has profound implications for politics. Historically, Christian thinkers like Samuel Rutherford challenged the notion that rulers, such as kings, have absolute power. His epic work, “Lex Rex: The Law and the King,” argued that the law is above the king and that rulers are accountable to the same laws as everyone else. This idea influenced the development of political systems that protect individual rights and ensure justice, as seen in the founding principles of the United States.

God cares about politics and we should too. His glory covers the earth, and He cares about the well-being of His image-bearers. Christians are called to engage in politics with a higher allegiance to God’s truth and justice, ensuring that societies flourish under righteous governance.

Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries. As an educator and entrepreneur, Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson referred to him as “a very gifted and inspirational leader.” Evangelist Josh McDowell called him “a man who is 100% sold out to preparing the next generation to reflect the character of Christ in the culture.” Through his speaking engagements and media appearances, Dr. Myers has become a fresh voice offering humor and insight from a Christian worldview. He is the author of 18 books, including the “Understanding the Faith,” “Understanding the Times,” and “Understanding the Culture” textbooks which are studied by tens of thousands of students. Dr. Myers holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Denver. He continues to engage college students through an exclusive Signature Leadership Course series offered with Unbound, a project-based education company that prepares high school and college students to become leaders for Christ in the real world. Jeff and his wife Stephanie and their family live in Colorado.

Summit Ministries exists to equip and support rising generations to embrace God’s truth and champion a biblical worldview. Through conferences online, in Colorado and Georgia, and Summit’s gap year semester, tough questions are raised (and answered) and students are equipped to stand firm in their faith. Summit’s worldview curriculum for Christian schools, homeschools, and churches trains the next generation to love God with their hearts and minds. In all of these things, Summit desires to see generations of Christians mobilized to transform a broken world.

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