- The Washington Times - Saturday, November 23, 2024

Celebrity chef Nick DiGiovanni released footage of his partnership with Dunkin’ Donuts to set the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest iced latte.

The video went public on National Espresso Day Saturday, a day after Guinness World Records announced the latte feat.

Over more than 24 hours, Mr. DiGiovanni and a team of 200 people assembled a cup and gathered 3,200 shots of espresso, 100 gallons of milk and 1,200 pounds of ice to create the 276.03-gallon drink.

The previous record for the largest iced latte was 264.172 gallons, Guinness World Records said. 

The cup itself was just over 8 feet tall, according to Guinness World Records, stretching to over 11 feet with the inclusion of its lid and straw, according to Dunkin’.

While the drink was unveiled on March 20, said Guinness World Records, Mr. DiGiovanni, a former MasterChef contestant and social media personality, posted footage of the preparation on YouTube this week to help promote Dunkin’s National Espresso Day deals.

The record-setting drink didn’t go to waste, as a spigot was built into the cup. The latte was served to more than 300 Dunkin’ employees at the company’s Massachusetts offices, the company said in a release.

On Saturday, Dunkin’ Rewards members can get four times the normal number of points for most espresso drinks on the chain’s menu, excluding matcha and chai lattes as well as simple coffee with a shot of espresso.

The latte was the 10th time Mr. DiGiovanni has set a Guinness World Record.

In addition to the massive drink, Mr. DiGiovanni co-holds records for the world’s largest doughnut cake, beef Wellington, chicken nugget, sushi roll by width, cake pop and fortune cookie. He also solely owns the record for the fastest time to filet a 10-pound fish at 1 minute 29 seconds.

• Brad Matthews can be reached at bmatthews@washingtontimes.com.

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