- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The four-plus year editor-in-chief of Scientific American, Laura Helmuth, recently quit her job after taking to social media to rant against Donald Trump’s supporters as the “meanest” and the “dumbest,” and to call Generation X-ers who voted Republican “f—-ing fascists.” She also said this of MAGA voters: “F—- them to the moon and back.”

Science, Democrat style.

Helmuth later tried to apologize. But too little, too late.

“I’ve decided to leave Scientific American after an exciting 4.5 years as editor in chief,” she wrote in a Bluesky message. “I’m going to take some time to think about what comes next (and go birdwatching).”

Great. Maybe she can bring the COVID scientists and LGBTQ medical professionals with her.

America has faced a scarcity of true science in recent ages, due in large part to Democrats’ willful destruction of truth.

Helmuth is of the breed of scientist that believes all those outside the scholarly learning circles of certain select areas of study are of inferior intellect — namely, that if you ain’t as college pedigreed as a Dr. Anthony Fauci or a Bill Gates, then you’re in the class called Stoopid. 

“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,” Fauci said, amid 2021 attacks from Republicans who wanted to know why he kept obfuscating on his so-called science of mask wearing, science of COVID shots, science of COVID origins, science of COVID lockdowns. Basically, any time someone questioned Fauci about a Fauci COVID recommendation, Fauci would rail against the questioner as a luddite, a dolt, a COVID denier. What’s the science for six feet of social distancing — of wearing two masks or more — of closing gyms and bakeries and churches but not Walmart and liquor stores and marijuana shops — of staying off the beaches and out of parks, where all that fresh air circulates, Dr. Fauci? “I am science, hear me roar!” — Fauci would respond.

“Take the shots, take all the shots!” — Fauci would follow up and say.

Meanwhile, my how the Big Pharma-slash-taxpayer money did flow.

“How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight,” Politico wrote in September of 2022.

“Big Pharma raked in USD 90 billion in profits with COVID-19 vaccines,” The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations wrote in February of 2023.

“Fauci Making Millions During COVID Pandemic Sparks Backlash,” Newsweek wrote in September of 2023.

It’s difficult to stomach the idea of scientists and medical bureaucrats and pharmaceuticals and various government entities making millions upon millions of dollars from the COVID shots when they’re simultaneously partnering to force the shots in the arms of every man, woman and child on planet Earth. And let’s not forget: Those who questioned the shots were treated to swift social media bans and censorship. That’s not so much science at work as conflicts of interest. 

After all, imagine a doctor who creates a pill, profits off the sale of that pill, and is then sheltered by the government from being sued for adverse effects from the digesting of the pill — imagine if that doctor were to solely prescribe that pill to all patients, and tell those patients to ignore all other forms of treatment. Wouldn’t that doctor clearly be guilty of a conflict of interest? 

That’s what the world’s medical bureaucrats and Big Pharma and partners did during COVID. And just as with the pretend scenario of the doctor who prescribed the pill and only the pill to patients, all the while profiting off the sale of the pill, the global health wonks who forced America and the world into unjustified lockdowns and into unreasonable wearing of face masks and social distancing ought to be put to the fire of accountability.

Yes, to the fire of accountability and consequence, both.

“Rand Paul vows to investigate ‘covid coverup’ as Senate [oversight] panel’s new chair,” The Washington Post wrote a few days ago.

That should be just the beginning.

Let the exodus of all elitists hiding behind their higher education degrees begin. For too many years, free Americans were forced to bend their wills and cede their liberties to the leftists in government and to the secularists in health care and to the arrogant and prideful in the medical world and to the profiteers in Big Pharma and to those who sought to exploit the coronavirus for personal and political gain.

For far too long, liberty-loving citizens were compelled to sit down, shut up and do the bidding of the power-hungry who saw the coronavirus as a tool of control and who used fear to steal individual rights and instill an atmosphere of communist-like collectivism around the nation. But it was all in the name of science; all in the name of best medical science.

Then came the LGBTQ lunacy and the destruction of the definition of male and female and the rebellion against traditional family and medical abominations against children who said they wanted to transition and the bucking of all that was ordained by God, all that’s the will of God for His creations. Once again, it’s all in the name of science.

Science, thanks be to Democrats, has become a mockery.

That the editor of Scientific American feels the need to resign solely because of the president-elect’s incoming administration sends a strong message that the unscientific science of recent years is about to reverse course. Out with the lunatic fringe; out with the censorship of dissenting viewpoints; out with the forced medical treatments and underage sex organ snipping.

Trump won’t just make America prosperous again, safe again, secure again and great again. He will also likely make America’s science scientific again. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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