Recently, a group of civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, wrote a letter to President Biden urging him to pardon former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who was found guilty by two juries, one for perjury and the other for mortgage fraud (“Civil rights groups call for pardon of Baltimore’s Marilyn Mosby,” web, May 8).

Mosby lied on loan forms, engaged in a shell game of financing and tried to get a loan officer to engage in her questionable behavior. While Baltimore’s top prosecutor, she refused to go after criminals and openly stated that she was on a mission to keep Black people out of jail. She lied about police behaviors and went after officers in questionable ways. Her behaviors led to a severe rise in crime. 

From TV reports, it seems the letter to Mr. Biden presented only a partial picture of Mosby. Some say her convictions reflect racial bias. That’s interesting, because the prosecutor was a Black man with impressive credentials and the juries were both racially mixed. The prosecutor was a Biden appointee, not a Trump agent.

So what is up? Has the NAACP become racist? Has its Democratic connections brought into a once-honorable organization the Democrats’ tendency to lie about what it doesn’t like, to attack opponents and/or to cover up their wrongdoing?

I believe there’s another possible answer: They have bought the victim profile that the Democrats have painted for them, and they use it to protect criminals and give themselves advantages not afforded to average citizens. If this is so, race relations in the U.S. are not just in sad shape, but in a dangerous place.

I ask the NAACP and the other organizations that signed this letter to look at their request anew and to allow justice to progress. Residents of Baltimore deserve real justice, not a false justice that gives criminals greater rights than law-abiding people.


Bel Air, Maryland

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