- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 30, 2024

President Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris in tow, kicked off a cross-country tour to beg, err, remind Black voters to vote for him this November.

He’s doing that because increasingly polls are showing Black voters don’t want to vote for him this November. Tick, tock. Time is a-tickin’.

“Biden returns to Philadelphia, this time to win back Black voters,” CNN blasted in one headline.

Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.

While Black voters still largely vote Democrat, the fact is this White House, this administration, this Biden White House administration has narrowed the gap between Black voters who vote Democrat and Black voters who vote Republican.

According to Pew Research Center, in 2016, about 91 percent of Black voters went with Hillary Clinton versus 6 percent for Donald Trump. In 2020, about 92 percent of Black voters chose Biden compared to 8 percent for Trump. But now — it’s different. 

As of April, 77 percent of Black voters said they’ll vote Biden; 18 percent, meanwhile, said they’ll pick Trump.

That’s a significant slide.

And no one knows it better than the Democrat Party.

“Biden and Harris make a rare joint campaign appearance to shore up Black voters’ support,” NBC News wrote.

Meanwhile, Team Biden is actually launching a campaign, “Black Voters for Biden-Harris,” dedicated to investing dollars, lots of tax dollars, in Black communities. The logic — all implied, of course; never stated, never openly stated — is to do for Black voters what Biden is trying to do for youth with the so-called “forgiveness” of college loans: buy votes. Freebies may be socialist, but they sure are delicious enticements to the low-information types who make up the Democrat Party’s voting masses. Not saying Black people are low-information voters— but seriously, what has Biden done for Black voters that Trump hasn’t outdone, or more to truth, actually done?

“Our campaign believes that Black voters deserve to hear from Team Biden-Harris, and they deserve to have their vote earned, not assumed,” the campaign said in a statement.

“No campaign has valued Black voters like we have,” the campaign said in a statement.

Come on now. If Team Biden believed that, Team Biden wouldn’t be wasting time and dollars and Biden’s brain power — hardly without its limits — on stalking out the Black communities to drum up votes for the Democrats. They’d be hitting the media circles to trash-talk Trump.

But it’s reached the point where simple trash-talk of Trump ain’t doing the trick, not even in Biden-loving, Biden-fawning, Biden-protecting media outlets.

“Seven Theories for Why Biden Is Losing,” a partial New York Times opinion headline recently read.

The media can’t keep covering for President Dufus forever.

So it’s off to campaign camp Biden and Harris go. It’s off to the nearest Black community Team Biden heads, hopefully, to reclaim some of the minority votes that are proving so elusive these last few months. It will be an uphill slog.

Now, 55 percent of Black voters say they approve of the way Biden is handling his role as president, Pew found. In March of 2021, fully 87 percent of this same voting block expressed approval in Biden’s handling of his presidency.

That’s not to say Trump’s picking up the disillusioned Black voters — at least, not to the same number Biden is losing their support. But it is to say Democrats better stop taking Black voters for granted. Just because they’ve voted historically Democrat doesn’t mean they will do so in perpetuity. 

When politics circles back to a time when it’s all about what’s best for America and less about what’s best for purposely divided segments of society, eyes of all colors set on faces of all skin shades will be opened and voters of all ethnic backgrounds will see the truth — Democrats, the party of exploiters and users, are not to be trusted. That’s when Democrats will have to find a new batch of blinded-by-deception voters to court. 

And likely, very likely, that’s what the open borders issue is all about: drawing in the next generation of loyal Democrat voters for pols to exploit.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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