- Thursday, May 23, 2024

December 7, 1941 — a day of infamy. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor shook America to her knees. Yet we recovered and crossed the globe to defeat an enemy intent on destroying our country and our way of life. Countless lives were lost in that Pacific campaign on both sides of the conflict including those of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. There was no point in any negotiations that would end in any result short of total and absolute surrender of our dreaded enemy, and rightfully so. It just does not take a very smart individual to know that it is nothing more than a pipe dream to believe that you can come to any reasonable resolution short of total capitulation when the enemy has only one purpose and that is to wipe you from the face of the earth.

October 7, 2023, was also a day of surprise, and yes, infamy as well. Hamas fighters cut a wide path across a large section of Israel with rape, pillaging, kidnapping, and murder in their hearts and on their hands. It was brutal and premeditated. Any nation when so attacked has the right and even the obligation to protect herself and her inhabitants — just as America did in World War II and just as Israel now has done in the present conflict. Of all people, Americans should understand and support the efforts of the Israeli government to take the steps necessary to protect the integrity of the borders of their country and its inhabitants.

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Initially, it appeared that both President Joe Biden and Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, were pretty much in lockstep in support of the Jewish nation. Then, inexplicably chinks began to appear in the armor from some of the Democrats including the president, Mr. Biden.

What started out as merely a hand wave about the protection of innocent civilians has now evolved into an all-out attempt to prevent Israel from rightfully finishing what they rightfully started. Now there is not only the threat of withholding aid, but also a not-so-subtle effort to engage in meddling in the leadership of Israel. Specifically, the Biden administration is seeking to subvert the will of the Israeli people by engaging in political efforts to remove the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and replace him with a candidate more favorable to the policies of the Biden administration.

What does the Middle East policy of the Biden administration entail?

SEE ALSO: Speaker Mike Johnson to speak with Israel PM Netanyahu while GOP mulls action against ICC

It is nothing more than the appeasement of our rank enemy Iran and their minions made up of various terrorist tentacle groups including, but not limited to Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and ISIS. This makes no sense at all on any level, unless you take into consideration that Mr. Biden desperately needs to carry the state of Michigan in the 2024 election, and it has a large Palestinian influence in its electorate.

Historian and author Gadi Taub recently authored an article that appeared in Tablet Magazine. His opening line was cutting edge when he stated, “In the eyes of the Biden administration, Hamas is the smaller problem (in the Middle East). The bigger problem is Benjamin Netanyahu. The U.S. is willing to live with Iran’s proxies everywhere, as part of its ‘regional integration’ policy — i.e., appeasing Iran. But they are unwilling to live with Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition.”

Then in a later interview with CBN News, Taub made his point even more succinctly: “If it is to survive at all, Israel must break the noose that Iran is assembling around us, and which the Biden administration is actively promoting and protecting.”

As a Christian with a decidedly biblical worldview, I believe there are ample spiritual reasons to be supportive of Israel. Also based on those same beliefs, I have grave concerns for any nation or people who oppose the right of Israel to survive as a nation. At the same time, there are also valid political and practical reasons to support the Jewish people in their own state.

There is an old saying in the mountains that when you are asked to go to a dance, it is proper etiquette to “dance with the one who ‘brung’ you.” In reality, Israel, since its inception has been a friend of the United States. Iran, since the revolution of 1978 has been our bitter enemy and remains so until this very day. It is a dire and irrevocable mistake on the part of Mr. Biden to side with the likes of Iran and against one of our closest allies, Israel. If you will forgive my saying so, not only is it wrong, but it is counterintuitive to the will of the American people and verges on treason.

It was just a few short years ago when former President Donald Trump was impeached for the first time based on allegations that he wrongfully intruded into the affairs of the Ukrainian government by threatening to withhold aid until they investigated Hunter Biden. Now Mr. Biden, Hunter’s father, is threatening to withhold aid until Israel concedes to his demands about their internal affairs. Just ask yourself what the difference is between these two scenarios. Yet, there is not even so much as a whimper in Washington, even amongst the Republicans.

SEE ALSO: House passes bill forcing Biden to arm Israel, catches Democrats in political crossfire

There is no question that the present hostile actions of Mr. Biden and his administration have left our friends bewildered. But it has not softened their resolve. Back in 1982, then-Sen. Joseph Biden threatened Menachim Begin, who at that time was the Prime Minister of Israel, with cutting off military aid to the beleaguered country. Mr. Begin’s pointed response was one for the ages, and his words still linger today as a clear and cogent reminder of the strong will of the Israeli people. If by chance this memory has slipped from your mind or you are hearing it for the first time, here it is:

“Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

Southern Evangelical Seminary stands squarely in support of the nation of Israel in their quest to protect themselves and to rid their nation of the blight of Hamas. We believe that it is our spiritual duty to do so. But we also believe that it is a right and just principle for the United States to stand with our longest and best friend in the Middle East. It simply makes good common sense for us to do so. At the same time, we believe that Israel will survive against all odds regardless of America’s position and that she will ultimately grow into her destiny. The question that faces us as a nation at this moment is whether America as we know it will survive if we fail to come to the aid of our friends.

After a successful career as a lawyer and judge, Judge Phil Ginn retired as the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for the 24th Judicial District in North Carolina. Throughout his 22-year judicial career, he had the privilege of holding court in almost 50% of the county seats in North Carolina. Currently, Judge Ginn serves as the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary (ses.edu) and is a regular contributor to Christianity.com and The Washington Times. Judge Ginn has also been featured on Fox News, CBN, Newsmax, Decision Magazine, The Christian Post, Townhall, and many others.

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