So far, two crimes have been revealed during former President Donald Trump’s alleged hush money trial (“Michael Cohen admits stealing $30K from Trump Organization,” web, May 20).

One of the crimes is the subornation of perjury committed by the prosecution. Prosecutors deliberately put known and confessed liar Michael Cohen on the witness stand, fully knowing he would perjure himself in efforts to incriminate Mr. Trump. The second crime is the stunning revelation that Mr. Cohen stole $60,000 from the Trump Organization.

In the meantime, it is Mr. Trump who is on trial — and we still don’t know what crime he committed. In fact, he’s a victim. Most of us can agree that the trial is nothing but a witch hunt and smacks of election interference.

And after the buffoon prosecution made a mockery of New York’s judicial system, common sense would dismiss the smear case. However, if this case had never come to trial, no one would have known that Mr. Cohen is not only a liar, but a thief as well. Who’s sorry now?


Clearwater, Florida

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