- The Washington Times - Monday, May 20, 2024

President Biden isn’t doing so well with polls these days, and nobody knows that more than a campaigning Democrat.

“Alarmed Democrats flee Biden’s ailing brand in battleground states,” The Hill wrote, in a headline above a story with these opening sentences: “Vulnerable Senate Democrats are distancing themselves from President Biden’s ailing brand after polls show him trailing former President Trump in several battleground states. Democrats in tough races are breaking with Biden over border security, liquified natural gas exports, the Israel-Hamas war and tariffs on Chinese goods.”

That doesn’t even get into the economy.

Young voters are ticked.

Working-class and blue-collar voters are ticked.

Black men and increasingly, black women, too, are ticked. Oh, and Hispanics — same-same. Ticked.

“Latest polls show President Joe Biden trailing Donald Trump in major swing states,” 6ABC in Philadelphia reported just a day ago.

“Trump Holds Edge Over Biden in Seven Key Swing State Polls,” Emerson Polling wrote three weeks ago.

The takeaway?

Biden’s bad. And he’s not getting any better as the weeks go by.

Trump is gaining in Arizona, in Georgia, in Michigan, in North Carolina, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, in Nevada — in fact, Trump’s gaining so much he’s now leading in these seven states, according to polling by The Hill just a few hours ago.

There are six months until Election Day. 

Democrats are probably pinning their hopes for a White House win on stretching Election Day into election week — election month — court case after court case after court case until the election is called against Trump. But look at how their court cases against Trump now are faring; even leftist pundits on leftist-leaning media outlets say the latest case in Manhattan of Trump’s supposed 34 crimes is a hop, skip and jump from getting tossed. There’s nothing there; never was. Democrats’ big hopes to jail Trump before November are disintegrating daily.

So what’s left for Democrats to do?

Pray. LOL! 

That leaves cheat.

“If you go out there and do a focus group, the focus groups all say [Biden’s] ‘200 years old. You got to be kidding me.’ And the worst part about it is for unaffiliated voters or people that haven’t made up their mind, they look at this and say: ‘You have to be kidding us. These are our choices?’ And they indict us for not taking it seriously,” a Democrat senator who requested anonymity told The Hill, in response to queries about Biden’s sagging poll numbers.

And brain-dead Biden is about to debate Trump for all the world to see?

Wait for it, wait for it. Biden’s polls are about to go a lot lower. On the plus side, we’ve all been needing a good laugh for a very long time. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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