- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 16, 2024

President Biden is still responsible for the worst border crisis on record — and it’s not even close,” said Jake Schneider, rapid response director for the Republican National Committee.

“New data shows 179,725 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in April — the 38th straight month where monthly encounters have been HIGHER than even the highest month under President Trump and a 272 percent increase from the average month of the Trump administration,” Mr. Schneider said in a written statement.

“Since Biden took office, 9.6-plus million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border, including 1.8-plus million known ’gotaways”’ who escaped past Border Patrol and into the country. Biden is aiding and abetting an invasion with no end in sight. His unprecedented border crisis took hold after he took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to systematically dismantle border security,” he continued.

“Now, Biden is allegedly floating executive action to allow 4,000 illegal border crossings per day before shutting down the border — an election year ploy on which Biden has waffled for months. Last month, approximately 6,000 illegal aliens crossed the border every single day,” Mr. Schneider said.

“For context, former Obama-Biden DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson once said 1,000 illegal crossings per day overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. It’s simply an attempt to gaslight a new normal into the minds of Americans fed up with the dire consequences of the Biden-led bloodbath. But Americans don’t have to ’imagine’ under Biden — it’s an everyday reality,” he concluded.

Find the committee at RNC.org.


Rep. Nancy Mace has introduced a joint resolution before the House to “express congressional disapproval” of the Biden administration’s recent rule to extend eligibility under the Affordable Care Act to over 100,000 DACA recipients by redefining “lawfully present.”

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — DACA — is a Homeland Security Department program created in 2012 that temporarily delays the deportation of illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

This rule is set to “conveniently” take effect shortly before the 2024 presidential election, according to the South Carolina Republican.

Joe Biden, ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris, and impeached DHS Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas flung our borders wide open, caused an invasion of our country by illegal aliens, and prioritized giving taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens over American citizens,” Ms. Mace said in a written statement.

“This rule to give taxpayer-subsidized healthcare to 100,000 illegal aliens is yet another example of this administration putting America Last and actively incentivizing illegal immigration,” she said.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew, New Jersey Republican, similarly denounced President Biden’s ACA move, saying it “not only incentivizes illegal immigration across our border but also grossly misuses federal funds.”

“This action would only strain our already burdened healthcare resources and undermine the hard work and contributions of the American taxpayers who would be footing the bill. We will not stand for it,” he said, also in a written statement.


Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner — who just celebrated the 10th anniversary of her show “Outnumbered” — is stepping in to host a new Fox Nation special that takes her to Vietnam to retrace her father’s journey when he served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War.

It is a personal journey.

Ms. Faulkner traveled 8,000 miles to retrace the footsteps of her father, Army Lt. Col. Bobby Harris, who was a combat pilot when he served in Vietnam.

“The Vietnam War was such a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, and it is both an honor and privilege to view the war through the footsteps of my father. I am so grateful for the opportunity to journey to Vietnam and look forward to sharing this remarkable story with our viewers,” Ms. Faulkner said in a statement.

Fox Nation — the online outreach of Fox News — also noted that the three-episode feature will highlight “lessons of bravery, faith and perseverance” and share insight from historians, veterans and family members.

Launched in 2018, Fox Nation is a on-demand streaming service available through a variety of online providers such as Apple TV, Comcast Xfinity and others. Find the details at FoxNation.com.


For sale: Artist’s retreat, built in 1974 of stone and wood for acclaimed Disney illustrator Frank Armitage on 10 acres near Ojai, California. Unobstructed mountain and dramatic valley views. Two bedrooms, three baths, open floor plan with large gathering space, wood beamed ceilings, fireplace and wood-burning stove. Views of mountains and valley areas on all sides, outdoor decks, orange and avocado trees; the property includes two other cottages, one with a music studio. Priced at $2.9 million through Douglas Elliman Real Estate; visit the home at www.1807ladera.com/.


• 41% of U.S. voters agree that it is “extremely important” to have debates between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

• 54% of Republicans, 32% of Democrats and 31% of independents agree. 45% of men and 37% of women also agree.

• 23% overall say it is “very important” to have the debates.

• 22% of Republicans, 24% of Democrats and 25% of independents agree. 23% of men and 23% of women also agree.

• 15% overall say it is “somewhat important” to have the debates.

• 10% of Republicans, 19% of Democrats and 19% of independents agree. 14% of men and 17% of women also agree.

• 20% overall say it is “not at all important” to have the debates.

• 14% of Republicans, 23% of Democrats and 24% of independents agree. 17% of men and 22% of women also agree.

SOURCE: A Fox News poll of 1,126 registered U.S. voters conducted online and by telephone May 10-13.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on X at HarperBulletin, on Facebook at HarperUniverse. Have a good weekend.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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