- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 1, 2024

President Biden slammed Florida’s new six-week abortion ban, saying former President Donald Trump is responsible for the increasing restrictions on abortion rights in the country.

“Today, an extreme abortion ban takes effect in Florida, banning reproductive health care before many women even know they are pregnant. There is one person responsible for this nightmare: Donald Trump,” Mr. Biden said in a statement Wednesday. “Trump brags about overturning Roe v. Wade, making extreme bans like Florida’s possible, saying his plan is working ’brilliantly.’

“He thinks it’s brilliant that more than 4 million women in Florida, and more than one in three women in America, can’t get access to the care they need,” Mr. Biden said. “Now he wants to go even further, making it clear he would sign a national abortion ban if elected. Just yesterday, he once again endorsed punishing women for getting the care they need.”

Mr. Biden said the former president is “worried” that voters will hold him accountable in November “for the cruelty and chaos he created.”

“He’s right,” Mr. Biden said. “Trump ripped away the rights and freedom of women in America. This November, voters are going to teach him a valuable lesson: Don’t mess with the women of America.”

A ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy went into effect Wednesday. That came after the Florida Supreme Court in April upheld a 15-week abortion ban and let the six-week law kick in after 30 days. Meanwhile, a measure is on the ballot in November that would enshrine abortion rights into the Florida Constitution.

SEE ALSO: Democrats’ billboards warn Michigan voters that Trump backs abortion bans

Democrats have seen this as an opportunity to fight for seats, and even the presidency, in a state that usually votes Republican.

Mr. Trump has boasted about the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 since his conservative justices voted to nix federal abortion rights.

The former president has said abortion rights and restrictions should be left to the state, adding that there should be exceptions for cases of rape and incest.

• Mallory Wilson can be reached at mwilson@washingtontimes.com.

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