- Thursday, March 7, 2024

As vice president and a member of Congress, it was my honor to be in the House chamber, where three different presidents laid out their vision for America in the annual State of the Union address.

When President Biden addresses the nation tonight, I’ll be watching from home in Indiana – and like many of my fellow citizens, I’ll be hoping against the odds that his words will be accompanied by meaningful action. 

However, history has taught us to temper our optimism regarding this administration’s promises. In the past, President Biden has used this occasion to sing from the Republican hymnal – talking like a commonsense conservative while hiding the truth of his ultra-progressive, big government agenda. 

Take, for example, the pledge made in his 2022 address: “My plan to fight inflation will lower your costs and lower the deficit.” Today, cumulative inflation under Mr. Biden is over 18% – one of the worst records of any president since World War II. And despite the president’s promises to the contrary, in 2023, the budget deficit doubled to nearly $2 trillion thanks to Democrats’ profligate spending.

In previous addresses, Mr. Biden has proudly trumpeted America’s commitment to our allies. Last year, he proclaimed: “America is united in our support for Ukraine. We will stand with you as long as it takes.” Yet every step of the way, we have been far too slow in doling out military aid to Ukraine. Every time the president vacillates, Russia digs in deeper. The president’s actions should match his words, and America should provide the military support Ukraine needs to drive Vladimir Putin out of their country.

As Israel is waging a war for its very survival against Hamas, intent on its destruction. President Biden says Israel’s response has been “over the top” and continues to pressure our most cherished ally to stand down. America must stand with Israel until it hunts down and destroys Hamas once and for all.

Tonight, President Biden will no doubt talk about the importance of securing the border – just as he has done in every single State of the Union he has delivered. Last year, he boasted that “we now have a record number of personnel working to secure the border.” However, contrary to his tough talk, the president’s actions prove that he wants the border to remain totally open as a matter of policy. More than 7 million illegal aliens have entered the United States through our southern border on Joe Biden’s watch. That includes tens of thousands of aliens from Communist China, Iran, and other hostile nations. Biden can end the crisis in a heartbeat. He just has to reinstate the policies he cancelled, including the Remain in Mexico policy for asylum seekers and a Title 42–like turnaway authority allowing immediate expulsion of illegal aliens apprehended at the border.

As President Biden prepares to deliver his State of the Union speech, I urge him to move beyond empty promises and partisan posturing that have characterized his previous addresses. The American people deserve more than just lofty rhetoric – they deserve deeds that match words. Like millions of Americans, I doubt this president can deliver – but for the sake of our country, I hope that he can.

• Mike Pence is a husband, father, grandfather, Christian, conservative and Republican — in that order. He served as the 48th vice president.

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