- Thursday, March 7, 2024

Joe Biden will reportedly ask the country, “Whose side are you on?” during his State of the Union address tonight. 

It’s clear that the country is not on Joe Biden’s side. 

In fact, the country is united, as the overwhelming majority of Americans agree that the state of the union is not strong and that Joe Biden is to blame. 

A whopping 69% of voters told the Wall Street Journal that things are going in the “wrong direction.” This finding was matched by a CBS News poll that found that 66% of voters say things in America are going “badly.” 

It’s no wonder the country feels this way. Tonight, Joe Biden will tell you not to believe your lying eyes, and that Bidenomics is, in fact, a success story. 

Here’s the reality. 

Since Mr. Biden took office in January 2021, prices have risen by an unaffordable 18%, forcing the average American household to spend an additional $11,619 every year just to make ends meet. Grocery costs have increased 21%, people are paying 20% more on rent, and energy bills are 29% more expensive. 

Delinquency rates on credit card and auto loans have hit their highest point since the Great Recession. Meanwhile, 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. 

Bidenomics is not going well.

Unfortunately for Mr. Biden, whether it’s the economy, the open border, or American weakness on the world stage – voters all blame the same person. 

Fox News’ latest poll found that over 60% of voters disapprove of Joe Biden’s handling of the following major issues: Immigration, the economy, China, inflation, and the Israel-Hamas war. 

On immigration, in particular, voters aren’t buying Joe Biden’s lies that he isn’t to blame for the crisis. Over 70% of voters told CBS that President Trump’s policies will decrease illegal immigration, while 50% of voters say that Mr. Biden’s policies will increase illegal immigration.

Of course, they’d think that. That’s reality. During his State of the Union, expect Mr. Biden to deflect on immigration. Mr. Biden will claim that the “system is broken,” and he is now trying to fix it. 

Joe Biden broke the system. He’s an arsonist showing up to a flaming house and saying he wants to help put out the fire. 

Joe Biden reversed successful Trump border policies, and the world took notice, with over 10 million illegal immigrants coming to America since Biden took office. His own Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas bragged, “We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them!”

Mr. Biden has only himself to blame for the dismal state of our union. He’s the reason that Americans are poorer and in more danger. 

Mr. Biden has to lie and obfuscate while his allies try desperate measures like the now-defeated 14th Amendment gambit because the choice before voters is simple. 

Voters know that help is on the way and President Donald Trump will restore safety and financial prosperity in America.

  • Taylor Budowich, CEO of Make America Great Again Inc. 

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