- Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Since the events of October 7, the world seems to have entered a realm where the compass of moral and factual integrity has been not just lost but inverted. Daily, we are ushered further into a bewildering narrative, where the United Nations, an institution ostensibly grounded in neutrality and humanitarian principles, has instead revealed a disturbing penchant for casting shadows rather than light, particularly in its dealings with Israel.

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The disappointment in the UN’s stance has become a familiar refrain. Yet, the recent report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) plunges to new depths of distortion and misinformation.

This document purports to shed light on unverified claims of misconduct by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza, focusing on allegations against women and girls. What it conveniently omits is the backdrop against which these accusations are made: the OHCHR leadership’s ties to Iran, a known bastion of support for Hamas, both ideologically and financially. Among the UN’s cadre of experts, tasked with upholding impartiality, stands Francesca Albabese, the Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian territories, whose tenure has been marred by allegations of bias against Israel and antisemitism. Ms. Albabese finds herself barred from entry into Israel following her controversial assertion on social media that the victims of the October 7 incident were targeted not for their Jewish identity but as a repercussion of what she describes as “Israel’s oppression.”

This episode not only casts a shadow over the purported neutrality of UN appointees but also hints at a deeper, more troubling alignment between the UN and Iran. Both entities, it appears, have vested interests in tarnishing Israel’s international standing, raising questions about the motives underpinning their actions and the integrity of their reports on the region.

The report’s timing and content, coinciding with the UN Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) financial controversies tied to its collusion with Hamas, lay bare a deep-seated alliance between the UN and elements hostile to Israel.

This pattern of bias is not merely disappointing but alarming, as the UN and its affiliates seem to mirror the very allegations leveled against Hamas, with a twist – the IDF, and by extension, Israel and Jews, is painted as the perpetrator. This narrative reversal ignores the abundant evidence of Hamas’s brutalities, documented through eyewitness accounts, forensic analysis, and the terrorists’ own admissions on social media.

The OHCHR’s report stands as a testament to a disconcerting reality – a funhouse mirror reflection of the truth, where the documented crimes of Hamas are attributed to the IDF without substantiation. The absence of condemnation or investigation by any UN agency into Hamas’s use of sexual violence as a weapon, contrasted with baseless allegations against the IDF, reveals a stark double standard.

The IDF have presented evidence suggesting that Hamas subjected Israeli hostages to inhumane conditions, including confinement in cages. This assertion starkly contrasts with claims in a report from the OHCHR, which similarly accuses the IDF of such practices without offering substantiating evidence.

On October 7, accounts emerged of Hamas subjecting men, women, children, and even infants to torture and starvation, a narrative corroborated by the distressing condition of hostages. Notably, Israel has been proactive in facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, even as reports surface of Hamas operatives firing upon civilians attempting to access this aid — a detail notably absent from the OHCHR’s account.

Further complicating the narrative, Hamas has been accused of violating ceasefire conditions by restricting Red Cross access to hostages and failing to distribute medicine to them, despite agreements. Accusations have also been levied against the IDF for similar infractions, including the misuse of Gazan hospitals for military purposes, despite a lack of evidence comparable to that presented against Hamas.

The OHCHR’s report goes on to suggest that these alleged actions by the IDF “may constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law,” a charge made without the same level of scrutiny applied to well-documented instances of Hamas’s war crimes and violations of human rights.

In response to these allegations, the UN has called for an “independent, impartial, prompt, thorough, and effective investigation,” a move that seems to challenge Israel directly.

Yet, Israel stands ready to welcome the truth, advocating for a genuine, impartial investigation into the events of October 7 and the ongoing treatment of hostages. This call for transparency and accountability, long overdue, remains open, a challenge to the UN to rise above its current morass of bias and distortion.

In this critical moment, it is imperative to stand together, demanding that the UN confront and rectify the deep-seated biases within its ranks. Only through collective action can we hope to steer the narrative back towards a foundation of truth and justice. Join us in calling for accountability and a return to the principles that should, in an ideal world, underpin the United Nations’ mission.

Danielle Ofek is an Israeli activist and a pioneering figure in tech and social entrepreneurship, known for her dynamic approach to gender parity and women’s rights. Recognizing a significant gap in the international community’s response to the sexual violence perpetrated against Israeli women and girls on October 7th, Danielle founded Angle, an initiative aimed at addressing this critical issue.

Angle was born out of a necessity to challenge the prevalent misinformation and biases in the reporting and responses to these incidents. Under Danielle’s guidance, the initiative has been instrumental in redirecting the narrative towards a more accurate and unbiased portrayal of the events.

Over the past six years, Danielle has been actively involved in working with enterprises and corporations, focusing on bridging the gender parity divide. She has been a fervent advocate for encouraging women to ascend to leadership positions, a commitment that is evident in her groundbreaking work.

The #MeToo_Unless_UR_A_Jew campaign is one of Angle’s key projects, launched to bring these pressing issues into the spotlight of international discourse. This campaign reflects Danielle’s dedication to not just highlighting problems but actively seeking solutions and advocating for change.

In 2019, Danielle’s expertise and passion led her to speak at the UN - CSW63. There, she discussed women in tech as part of her project, Parliament51, further showcasing her commitment to empowering women in all sectors. Danielle’s work, both through Angle and her various other initiatives, positions her as a formidable force in the fight for women’s rights and gender equality on the global stage.

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