- Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Rumors started to swirl last week that former President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban would meet in Florida this week, and it’s now been confirmed the two will rendezvous in Florida by Mr. Balazs Orban (no relation), political director to Mr. Orban.

As these two strong leaders are set to meet, I want to make the case for why I think a Trump/Orban leadership alliance on the world stage would stop the woke mob in their tracks.

In the realm of global politics, two figures have risen to prominence, captivating the attention of both admirers and critics alike: Mr. Trump and Mr. Orban.

While hailing from different corners of the world, these two leaders share striking similarities in their approaches to governance, their policies, and their impact on their respective nations. They are aligned on many conservative values, particularly on issues such as traditional family values, religious freedom, and opposition to progressive social policies and funding never-ending wars.

At the heart of their political personas lies a commitment to putting the interests of their country and citizens at the forefront. Both Messrs. Trump and Orban have capitalized on widespread dissatisfaction with traditional politics, presenting themselves as champions of the common people against entrenched elites who are pushing woke ideologies at every turn in politics, media, education and much more.

They both represent political outsiders fighting against a corrupt establishment which resonates deeply with segments of their populations who feel marginalized or neglected and fed up with the woke nonsense.

Mr. Trump’s “America First” slogan encapsulates his unilateral approach to foreign policy, characterized by protectionist trade measures and skepticism toward multilateral agreements. Mr. Orban, meanwhile, has championed a similar mantra that emphasizes the preservation of Hungarian culture and values in the face of external threats, particularly from immigration and globalization.

Furthermore, Both Messrs. Trump and Orban subscribe to and put into practice the “Peace through Strength” mantra regarding foreign policy issues.

It was Mr. Trump’s Abraham Accords that brought meaningful and lasting peace to the Middle East without any bullets being fired or bombs being dropped. This deal was ultimately achieved because of Trump’s “Peace through strength” mantra. Side note on this; Did you know that Hungary was the only EU nation state to attend the Abraham Accords signing ceremony?

As a personal fan of both of these strong leaders, the parallels between Messrs. Trump and Orban are undeniable to me but perhaps to the average American they aren’t as obvious.

Both leaders have risen to power by tapping into challenging established norms, and advancing nationalist agendas that protest the home front, the borders and the families.

In Hungary, Mr. Orban has established a strong domestic policy of protecting the homeland, securing the border, and putting parents’ rights in the forefront as the woke ideologies rip through many societies in Europe. On foreign policy, Mr. Orban and his team are typically the only country in the EU who blocks anti-Israel resolutions.

As we navigate an increasingly turbulent era of global politics, I believe it to be critical for Messrs. Trump and Orban to lead a global coalition that puts forth conservative and traditional values of border security, traditional genders, cutting wasteful spending, and protecting our children from the woke nonsense.

And just a few weeks ago, Dr. Miklos Szantho, Director-General of the Center for Fundamental Rights in Budapest was on the main stage at CPAC 2024 in Washington D.C. speaking about how peace would be achieved on the world stage with Trump and Orban working together once again.

I believe this Trump/Orban alliance would receive a lot of support from other world leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from Israel to Geer Wilders from the Netherlands to Giorgia Meloni from Italy to Javier Milei from Argentina to Nayib Bukele from El Salvador and many others.

Imagine that … all of the world’s conservative leaders working together to put the interests of their country and people first while restoring traditional values and crushing the woke mobs around the globe! Sign me up.

• Bryan E. Leib is the CEO of Henry PR, a senior fellow for the Center for Fundamental Rights in Budapest, Hungary and a former GOP-endorsed 2018 congressional candidate from Philadelphia.

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