- The Washington Times - Monday, March 4, 2024

Donald Trump is raking in the wins, and carrying about a 5-point lead over President Biden among the nation’s registered voters, a New York Times/Siena College poll just found.

With women — he’s gaining. With minorities — he’s gaining. With gays — he’s fulfilling their “wildest dreams.” Wait. What?

Oh, yes, Actual quote. The National Log Cabin Republicans called on Trump’s team to see if they could hold a wedding between two men, John Sullivan and Dan Medora, at Mar-a-Lago, and the answer came quickly: Yes. So they did.

“It really was a wedding beyond our wildest dreams,” said Sullivan, Breitbart reported.

And when Trump, returning from CPAC, happened to walk by the ceremony and say hello, and when Mar-a-Lago staff shared how great a boss he was and is, Sullivan said that all proves: Trump is not what his critics claim.

“It’s a shame that people can’t see beyond the lies told about Trump and to know the real man that takes care of people,” Sullivan said.

“President Trump from day one when he opened [the Mar-a-Lago club], it was open to all people regardless of their race, their sexual orientation, their gender. … Trump’s been consistently supportive of the gay community all along.”

Leftists still don’t see it that way, however,

“Donald Trump: The most anti-LGBYQ+ president in recent history,” The Pink News wrote in January.

Then again, leftists still slam Trump as racist and bigoted and discriminatory and misogynist — despite the fact that polls show he’s rising with several key sectors the Democrats have considered go-to blocks of support for decades.

In a question that went like this, “If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were Joe Biden and Donald Trump?” — 48 percent of registered voters said Trump and 43 percent said Biden. The margin of error was 3.5 percent. And that means: Trump bests even when the margin of error is factored into the equation.

On top of that, it’s registered voters who matter most in polls. Who really cares what likely voters think?

On top of that: “The poll showed Mr. Trump edging out Mr. Biden among Latinos,” The New York Times wrote.

On top of that: “Women, who strongly favored Mr. Biden four years ago, are now equally split,” The New York Times wrote.

On top of that: “Biden won 72 percent of … working-class voters of color who did not attend college … in 2020. … Today, the Times/Siena poll showed Mr. Biden only narrowly leading among nonwhite voters who did not graduate from college: 47 percent to 41 percent,” The New York Times wrote.

It’s all summed in the headline.

“Voters Doubt Biden’s Leadership and Favor Trump, Times/Siena Poll Finds,” The New York Times wrote.

“The share of voters who strongly disapprove of President Biden’s handling of his job has reached 47 percent, higher than in Times/Siena polls at any point in his presidency,” The Times wrote.


Find a woman who will accuse Trump of sexual harassment.

Grab a guy who will claim he was defrauded by some Trump Organization dealing.

Cut the checks. Get Trump into court. Get the accusations flying! — ‘cause the current dozens-plus indictments and accusations and allegations and court decisions and punitive fees haven’t yet done the trick of halting his campaign. The magic must be one more.

The American people aren’t being fooled by the Democratic Party’s hand waves and legal positioning and court assaults. Even polls in The Times are acknowledging that. With months to go before voting day, Trump’s rising favor and Biden’s thumping failures mean one thing: The Democrats’ hell hounds are coming. The attacks against Trump are shifting into high gear.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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