- Sunday, March 3, 2024

In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, Americans were treated to a near-constant refrain from Democrats about widespread, indiscriminate killings of Black men by White police officers.

The facts did not support those charges. Regardless, those claims were buttressed by a message about the precipitous rise in White supremacy being a threat to our country rivaled only by climate change. That, too, was manufactured outrage.

Those messages were core to the Democrats’ efforts to mobilize voters against Republicans in 2020.

It’s an election year, so naturally, a new boogeyman needs to be concocted by the left to scare Americans. This year, Democrats and their massive media ecosystem are raising alarm bells about the danger of so-called Christian nationalism.

Dozens of articles have started popping up about this fictional political movement that is Democrats’ thinly veiled attack on Christianity, the Bible and America itself.

One of the most recent promoters of this conspiracy theory, backed by no practical evidence, is Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla.

A review of Ms. Przybyla’s reporting finds, not surprisingly, an almost singular focus on attacking conservatives and Republicans, making her yet another activist masquerading as a Pulitzer-toting journalist. She boasts on her website that her detailed reporting on President Biden’s record on abortion pressured the Biden campaign in 2020 to reverse his long-standing opposition to taxpayer funding for the killing of the unborn. Her articles are almost devoid of any policy or political criticisms of the left.

But this isn’t about the musings of one leftist Beltway reporter. As with anything when it comes to the American left, there’s a larger strategy. Attacks on the Founders, our founding documents, and religious people for political gain are part of a broader effort to discredit the American system generally.

Scare tactics are key to any Marxist or socialist movement’s playbook. Organizers resort to those tactics because the fundamentals of their philosophies ultimately promote less freedom and more authoritarian control.

Key goals of American socialism have included the discrediting of the Founding Fathers, smearing the Constitution, belittling American culture, discouraging the teaching of American history, and, of course, replacing biblical truth with social religions like transgenderism or climate cultism.

Today’s Democratic Party is advancing all of these objectives. Time and space do not permit expounding on examples here. Still, if you’ve been paying any attention and are intellectually honest in your assessment of American society, you see this happening every day.

This attack on Christians and the Revolutionary-era principle, core to the American experience, that our basic rights come from God, not men, is clearly Marxist in character. Karl Marx wrote, “One of the most important tasks of the Cultural Revolution affecting wide masses is the task of systematically and unswervingly combating religion.”

In 1936, the Program of the Communist International stated, in part, that there can be “no doubt” that a Communist Party leads the Soviet Union with “a program permeated by the spirit of militant atheism.” Stalin lamented in his book on Leninism that the clergy had not yet been “completely liquidated.”

It is important to remember that Marxism, which has a strong foothold among today’s far-left Democrats, is also founded on the principle that violence is justified to create a new society where the state, not God-given rights or individual liberty, is the primary focus.

Marx, who was a penniless degenerate who even sacrificed the well-being of his own children for his revolutionary designs, believed that prevailing morals would doom the effort to upend the social and political order. His objective was to eliminate those morals and Judeo-Christian values.

Thomas Jefferson made clear in the Declaration of Independence that this would be a nation grounded on the belief that there is something higher than man’s authority. It was the justification for separating from England.

While American academe, dominated by left-wing thinkers, has tried to put distance between God or biblical inspiration and our Founders, the truth is they leaned heavily on divine guiding truths to validate and secure American liberty.

John Adams, who once wrote that the Constitution was made for a “moral and religious” people, fully understood that the fabric of society is not knitted together by men, as Marx later professed, but by God to secure our rights.

The cavalcade of writers who will use Christian nationalism as a cudgel against Republicans and Trump supporters intentionally ignore that America is not a Christian nation. It is a moral one, with those morals stemming from the Bible, which provided the foundation for Western society.

The Founding Fathers had ample opportunity to include reference to Christianity in the Constitution but did not, despite the vast majority of them being believing Christians. In addition, Christianity is at its core inclusive, while Marxism is ultimately exclusive. Christian principles do not tolerate dictatorship.

The Democrats’ message machine is just getting warmed up on this, and it will likely include broadside attacks on a host of Christian values like the radical idea that there are only two genders, marriage, life, and parental rights. They will throw racism in there, too, somewhere.

As this nonsensical assault continues, Americans should remember Ben Franklin’s admonition that “we have been assured in the Sacred Writings, that unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain, those who build it.”

• Tom Basile is the host of “America Right Now” on Newsmax TV and a columnist with The Washington Times.

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