- The Washington Times - Friday, March 22, 2024

SpaceX is facing fresh allegations from the National Labor Relations Board that it retaliated against workers who debated hours, pay and conditions.

When SpaceX employees gathered to hash out the work environment at their facility, the company “interfered with, restrained and coerced” them, the NLRB said in a Thursday filing. The filing also claims that SpaceX discouraged the employees from contacting the NLRB for assistance.

The employees who continued to meet to discuss their wages and conditions were fired, according to the labor board.

The filing is the latest in an unfolding labor battle between Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the NLRB.

In January, the board accused SpaceX of retaliating against a group of employees who disseminated a letter criticizing the company’s work environment.

In early March, another scandal erupted at the company when a former employee came forward alleging that SpaceX fostered an environment of sexual harassment. Michelle Dopak claimed that her manager pressured her into a sexual relationship and eventually offered her $100,000 to get an abortion after she became pregnant.

SpaceX has responded dramatically, accusing the NRLB of operating unconstitutionally. The company and others under siege by the NLRB have sued the board, alleging that it is violating their right to a trial by jury.

• Vaughn Cockayne can be reached at vcockayne@washingtontimes.com.

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