- Thursday, March 21, 2024

Recent reports of remarkably low voter turnout in Iran’s tightly controlled elections indicate a profound yearning for change among the Iranian people. This unmistakable signal to the Islamic Government of Iran conveys not just a withdrawal of support, but a resolute rejection, with a clear desire for the government to fall.

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The recent years’ upheaval transcends beyond just a political upheaval; it suggests the nation’s longing for freedom. Witnessing the adverse impact of extremist Islamic doctrines on their society, the people of Iran are breaking free from the shackles of intolerance towards other beliefs. Once a land of religious diversity, Iran has endured years of persecution under an extremely oppressive religious authority, restricting its citizens from seeking a faith that offers spiritual liberation, hope, and enlightenment.

A surge of Iranians turning to Christianity underscores this spiritual awakening in Iran. Through avenues like satellite broadcasts, encounters with visions of Jesus, and personal testimonies of conversions, countless Iranians are embracing a newfound faith that promises true freedom – not in politics, but in a relationship with Christ that reveals their authentic identity and purpose.

I strongly believe that Iran is positioned not only to transition from an Islamic state to a Christian nation but also to influence the rest of the Middle Eastern nations. While there is prophecy in Scripture – in the book of Ezekiel – that foretells nations, including Persia (Iran), forming a coalition against Israel and facing judgment, there is a lesser-known prophecy in the book of Jeremiah 49:38-39 which offers a glimpse of a brighter tomorrow for Iran.

I will set my throne in Elam
     and destroy her king and officials,”
 declares the Lord.

“Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam
     in days to come,”
 declares the Lord.

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The passage in Ezekiel references Persia, while the one in Jeremiah references Elam. Both locations are part of modern-day Iran, so both prophecies apply when we speak to the nation’s future.

Though Iran may face profound calamity in the years to come before turning as a nation to the Christian faith, I believe the transition has already started. We have seen the incredible hardship the people of Iran have suffered in recent years, and they have only become bolder in speaking against their extremist rulers even in the face of anticipated repercussions.

In the foreseeable future, I envision a divine intervention where the Lord dismantles all of Iran’s pillars of power – be it military, economic, political, or religious – leaving Iranians with no recourse but to turn to God alone. This upheaval is poised to spark a spiritual revival that will sweep through Iran, paving the way for the establishment of God’s throne in the land, and fulfilling the prophetic promises foretold.

Amidst the ongoing challenges and hardships faced by Iranians, these trials serve as a precursor to a brighter future. The Lord’s hand of blessing is poised to bring about a transformative work in Iran, disarming the forces of darkness and ushering in a newfound freedom for its people.

I encourage everyone to continue offering prayer and humanitarian support for the people of Iran, as they continue in this time of suffering, recognizing that so many are embracing the Christian faith. And let’s continue to call on our leaders to hold the Iranian government accountable for its atrocities against its own people as we look toward a brighter future for Iran.

Dr. Hormoz Shariat is the founder of Iran Alive Ministries, which utilizes Satellite TV to reach the millions of lost and broken people in Iran and the rest of the Middle East. Today, they broadcast the Gospel 24/7 from their studio in Dallas to Iran and the Middle East. Dr. Shariat firmly believes that Iran will be the first Islamic nation that turns to Christ. He is the author of the book “Iran’s Great Awakening,” which is the No. 1 source of information about what is happening in Iran today, and how the Bible prophecies align with current events. 

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