- Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A version of this story appeared in the Higher Ground newsletter from The Washington Times. Click here to receive Higher Ground delivered directly to your inbox each Sunday.

The modern Democratic Party is experiencing a spiritual crisis that threatens to destroy its very fabric, with the poisons of self-obsession and a cataclysmic detachment from the eternal driving the progressive platform increasingly further into the pits of a hellish ideological inferno.

It’s been said that common sense isn’t so common these days. Though most certainly a cliche, this is the reality in some Democratic circles, with the ideals at the heart of the movement amounting to a house of cards built upon the sands of insanity. 

Up is down and down is up on a number of moral, social, and structural matters — issues of grave importance to national security, our children and the basics of rule and law.

With so many enraptured by the allure of liberal paragons, it’s easy to assume the policy problems in these arenas are solely political, yet it’s impossible to ignore the true core of the issue: the Democratic Party is in a spiritual freefall.

Moral descent is turning some liberals’ attention away from common-sense proposals and toward truly strange and damaging positions. It’s why so many people — even those in independent and liberal realms — find themselves scratching their heads over the patently nonsensical.

Cracks in the Democratic megaplex became evident when the party briefly removed “God” from its platform in 2012, sparking chaos and confusion before scrambling to add the Almighty back into the text. 

Regardless of the eventual re-inclusion, though, many of the policies we see coming from that side of the aisle lack a consideration for the eternal and simply elevate the self. As we see in Scripture, such a posture destroys discernment.

“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness,” 1 Corinthians 2:14 (NIV) reads. “And cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”

Thus, it comes as no surprise there are four areas of spiritual alarm that make it near-impossible at this juncture for Bible-believing Christians to enthusiastically support the Democratic apparatus — policy positions that can be arrived at only through the lens of spiritual confusion. 

First, there’s the gender issue, a paradox that has quickly unraveled into utter chaos. The Biden administration has made it clear officials enthusiastically support attempts at medically transitioning children, with President Biden telling parents to “affirm” their “child’s identity.” 

Progressives in some circles have sought to punish even the suggestion that these ideals violate science or are dangerous, particularly because they involve children. From a practical perspective, it’s madness, but, from a spiritual standpoint, it’s an affront to God’s design.

The same problem exists on the abortion front, with the Democratic Party offering very little lamentation and virtually no mention of once-prevalent “safe, legal and rare” rhetoric. 

Abortion is so sacrosanct for today’s hyper-progressives that Vice President Kamala Harris recently became the highest-ranking U.S. official to tour an abortion clinic, according to The Washington Times’ Seth McLaughlin.

Ms. Harris, the key politician tasked just three years ago with tackling the nation’s explosive border crisis, has been quite quiet on immigration yet somehow has plenty of time to peruse a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic, praising the “health care clinic” for its work.

Again, this is on brand with the party’s ethical trajectory. “I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again” is Mr. Biden’s war cry. It’s one thing to take a reluctant pro-choice position. Iit’s an entirely different dynamic to act as if these unborn lives have no value.

And that brings us to the third arena in which Democrats are experiencing a spiritual and political crisis: the border. With record numbers of migrants pouring over the boundary into the U.S., the lack of total panic on the part of the Biden administration is beyond alarming. 

Make no mistake: Our pitifully porous border is the biggest national security threat America faces, with hordes of people the government knows nothing about constantly streaming into the nation. In December 2023, the Border Patrol had about 250,000 encounters with illegal immigrants, eviscerating the previous record of 224,000 from May 2022.

Something has led people to flood into the U.S. during Mr. Biden’s reign. Perhaps it was driven by his pledge to stop building the wall, or maybe it’s being perpetuated by other related rhetoric. Regardless, the situation is deeply troubling and dovetails perfectly with our final spiritual crisis: an empowerment of lawlessness.

Just a few years after the “defund the police” hoopla, the movement’s full-scale impact is on full display, with overwhelmed and understaffed police departments, surging crime, bag checks on subways and the like. 

While the unacceptable horrors surrounding what happened to George Floyd must be condemned, the sweeping generalizations, lack of respect for officers, and haphazard claims and policy moves from some progressives have amounted to little more than chaos in our streets and communities.

These are just some of the issues plaguing the Democratic Party right now, as gender, abortion, the border and crime policies reflect a spiritual and moral blindness that threatens to destroy the heart of a political movement and tear the fabric of a nation. 

The failure to keep God at the center — and the decision to push His standards to the side — has upended common sense and denigrated Democratic ideals. All that’s left now is a reliance on prayer for heart change and a turn back toward lucidity.

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s “Quick Start Podcast.” He is the author of four books.

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