Monday, June 3, 2024

• We began with U.S. furnished missile depot maintenance. We evolved into a protector of freedom with advanced weapon systems

• The 2.75-inch guided rocket ‘Poniard’ will be a catalyst, bolstering ROK-US partnership to true R&D partner

LIG Nex1 stands as a testament to ROK’s sovereign defense, having spearheaded the development and deployment of cutting-edge weapon systems spanning precision-guided munitions, surveillance and reconnaissance, command and control, communications, avionics, and electronic warfare, both domestically and abroad.

LIG Nex1’s journey is a history of solid ROK-US alliance and defense collaboration. Born out of Gold Star (currently LG Electronics), LIG Nex1 was established in 1976 for depot maintenance of U.S.-furnished missile systems such as NIKE Hercules and HAWK.

In the 1970s, missile systems were a flag bearer of defense technology. Being able to participate in the depot maintenance of such weapon systems symbolized the strength of the ROK-U.S. alliance and laid the cornerstone for ROK’s defense technology and industry growth. This led LIG Nex1 to put its best effort toward investing in technology exchange with the U.S., becoming the first ROK private company to undergo an overseas training program at the U.S. missile maintenance school.

This collaboration with the U.S., initiated through missile depot maintenance, has expanded to the latest precision-guided missile (PGM) technology such as the Rolling Airframe Missile and Korean Patriot upgrade program, but also to other areas, such as the collaborative production of the heads-up display for the KF-16 fighter jet, that serve as a catalyst in fortifying ROK-US defense ties. Moreover, by establishing a U.S. office in 2009, LIG Nex1 has strengthened collaboration with global defense companies in North America. Now, the company continues to broaden the scope of technological collaboration and to offset trade endeavors in satellite and aerospace domains between ROK and the US.

LIG Nex1 is a main sponsor for publishing ‘Korea Reborn,’ which honors U.S. soldiers who fought in the Korean War and portrays Korea’s post-war growth. The company also hosts numerous activities, such as KDVA (Korea Defense Veterans Association) to strengthen the ROK-U.S. relationship.

Over the years, LIG Nex1 has evolved into a comprehensive defense industry representative of ROK, providing all defense solutions from sensor to shooter. It contributes to the nation’s sovereignty by participating in the development of numerous weapon systems like the MSAM-II to counter various aerial threats and ballistics penetrating at medium and low tiers; the Raybolt infantry medium-range guided weapon; the 2.75-inch guided rocket for coastal defense against threats from small, high-speed ships; the Chiron portable surface to air missile; the SDR(Software Defined Radio); and the long range radar and weapon-locating radar.With nearly 60% of its workforce dedicated to research, LIG Nex1, an example of an R&D-centric entity, boasts the most substantial and top-tier research capability pool among ROK defense companies. The company eagerly pursues the fusion of past research experience and core technologies, including guided munitions slated for integration into ROK’s indigenous fighter aircraft (KF-21), avionics, electronic warfare suites, and the acquisition of next-generation cutting-edge technologies spanning space, unmanned systems, cybersecurity, and AI.

It is time for both ROK and the U.S. to elevate the level of cooperation from conventional collaboration methods, such as offset and technology cooperative production, to co-working from initial stages of the weapons acquisition process. Working together from creating requirements to R&D and deployment will be a new trend for both countries. The company is demonstrating the performance of the Poniard 2.75-inch guided rocket through the foreign comparative test (FCT) program. Having originated from an ROK-US collaborative R&D effort, the Poniard thus is an outcome of ROK-US military alliance. The deployment of Poniard would be a big step to enhance ROK-US collaboration.

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