So the Democrats’ excuse for President Biden’s miserable performance in last Thursday’s presidential debate was that he had a cold (“Post-debate poll shows voters lost confidence in Biden; Democrats’ confidence in him plummets,” web, June 28). I for one didn’t know someone could have a cold for 3½ years.

Mr. Biden started the debate as though he’d been main-lining caffeine, speaking so fast his mouth seemed unable to keep up with his brain as he stumbled in his responses. But what really stood out to me was his face, staring down one minute and then looking off into the distance the next, when former President Donald Trump talked about his many poor decisions since taking office. It appeared to be the first time Mr. Biden had heard any of it.

To cover his confused state of mind, Mr. Biden lied throughout the debate, calling Mr. Trump was the liar. Mr. Trump talked about our wide-open borders, which are letting in all kinds of unsavory characters and drugs. Mr. Biden had the gall to deny this.

When Mr. Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin would never have attacked Ukraine had he been in office, Mr. Biden’s response was, “We have an Article 5 [NATO] agreement. You attack one, you attack all.” First of all, Mr. Biden watched the buildup of Russian forces before they invaded Ukraine, and he did nothing. And when asked for help by Ukraine, he barely gave any, not wanting to tick off Mr. Putin. 

One of the most mind-boggling points came after the debate, when Jill Biden told her husband he did very well and said it was Mr. Trump who had lied.

In the end, it was “smoking” Joe Biden who got smoked.


Aiken, South Carolina

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