- The Washington Times - Friday, June 28, 2024

President Joe Biden stumbled, bumbled, muttered and meandered during his debate against Donald Trump. And all the headlines go: Shocking! Shocker! What a shocking display!

But why?

Biden performed on stage as he always performs on stage — one step shy of falling off the ledge. It’s not as if his mental incompetency hasn’t been known since his campaign days. Conservatives have been calling for him to take tests to gauge his brain power for years based on his curious hand-shaking of ghosts; his many references to his vice president as president; his daily flubs and widely watched falls; his reading of the quiet part of notes out loud — like stage directions and notations to pause for laughter; his eyebrow raising calls for wheelchair individuals to stand and take bows and for dead people to stand and take applause; etc, etc, etc. It’s not as if all of America, nay all of the world, haven’t been clued in to the fact the media regularly run cover for all his mental blips and psychological curiosities and physical failings. If it weren’t for the media, in fact, Biden wouldn’t have lasted as president this long. If Biden were Republican, he would have been impeached long ago. If Biden was not a well-protected member of the Democrat elitist class, he never would have been allowed to stay in his basement and campaign for president years ago — he would have been called out for his weakness, his fecklessness, his brain damage, his utter incompetence.

Everybody knows this.

Everybody in America and around the world know Joe Biden is not all there mentally and that the only reason he’s able to prop himself on stage or at a podium or in front of the press or at a political event is because he has some really good doctors with access to some really powerful meds and they’re able to keep him upright for whatever brief period his presence his demanded. 

Biden on stage at the debate was the same as Biden on stage over the last three-plus years of his White House administration.

Yet now the Democrats are up in arms because it’s as if they’re seeing Biden for the first time for what he is: an ailing and fragile old man with serious mental deficiencies.

“[Biden’s] a good man and a good president,” one New York Times columnist wrote, in the hours after the debate, “[but] has no business running for election.”

There are plenty more Democrat opinions like that, post-debate, too.

“‘It’s Frightening’: Democratic Voters Worried by Biden’s Struggles in Debate,” The New York Times wrote.

“Democrats panic over Biden’s debate performance, doubt his future,” The Washington Post wrote.

“Democrats in ‘state of shock’ over ‘awful’ Biden debate performance,” Axios wrote.

Well, what the heck did these Democrats expect?

Biden’s mind is mush. His body is weak. His handlers are having a hard time keeping ahead of his health traumas. 

It’s been that way since day one.

If Democrats want to rush to replace Biden with some other candidate, fine. Dandy. Do it. But quit the gaslighting. Democrats shouldn’t try to pretend like the Biden on the debate stage was some sort of new and shocking creation — and then expect the American people to play into that lie as well. We’ve all known from the beginning. Everybody has. And that’s why the world’s been on fire for more than three years.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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