- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 27, 2024

Former President Donald Trump heavily defended his efforts to get Roe v. Wade overturned and give the decision back to the states during the presidential debate Thursday.

When asked if he would block abortion medication, Mr. Trump said he stands by the Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow the abortion pill, and then doubled down on overturning Roe v. Wade, saying that “everybody” wanted abortion to be decided by the states.

“Fifty-one years ago we had Roe v. Wade and everybody wanted to get it back to the states. Everybody. Without exception. Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, everybody wanted it back. Religious leaders,” he said.

Mr. Trump nominated three conservative justices to the Supreme Court during his term, which led the high court to overturn the 50-year-old decision that gave a national right to abortion.

He also reiterated during the CNN debate in Atlanta that he believes in exceptions in cases of incest and the life of the mother, and suggested that not having exceptions is political suicide.

• Mallory Wilson can be reached at mwilson@washingtontimes.com.

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