I am concerned about the lack of experience of U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and his goal to slow down the mail. I contacted the U.S. Postal Service’s board of governors and informed them that DeJoy’s plans are a bad idea and that he lacks experience at USPS. The board responded urging me to read the Time magazine article about DeJoy on USPS, Donald Trump and his surprising second act.

The board seems to believe DeJoy has sufficient experience at the USPS. Maybe its members should revisit the moment in 2020 when Rep. Katie Porter, California Democrat, asked DeJoy how much a postage stamp costs. He said he didn’t know.

On his website, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont Independent, calls for DeJoy’s resignation. Ninety members of the House of Representatives demand the removal of DeJoy, and now some Republicans also want him removed.

It is time for the House and Senate to craft a bill that allows the president to remove a postmaster general and fire all members of the USPS’ board of governors. If the president can appoint a postmaster general, he or she should also be able to remove them.

The mail in my rural area is arriving later and later, sometimes coming at 6 p.m. When I receive packages, USPS holds them for up to five days.


Tavern, New York

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