- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The No. 1 question CNN’s moderators ought to ask Joe Biden during the presidential debate against Donald Trump is this: Could you explain the steps you’ve taken to prevent ISIS from smuggling in more of its terror minions, as well as the steps you’re now taking to find the 50 who’ve disappeared into parts unknown across America?

President Biden? Joe? Anyone there? 

They could read right from NBC’s headline to flush out the details: “DHS identifies over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network.” 

Calling Mr. President — Mr. President?

If that isn’t enough to jog Joe’s mind, they could simply add the sub-headline: “Over 150 have been arrested, but the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown, officials said. ICE is looking to arrest them on immigration charges when they are found,” NBC wrote.

The primary role of the president of the United States is to protect Americans from enemies, both foreign and domestic. The massively open borders under Biden, which follow the comparatively closed borders under the previous Trump administration, which followed the massively open borders under Barack Obama — these open borders are no-brainers in terms of compromising national security. They’re also no-brainers in terms of an easy fix. Here’s the solution: Shut them.

Biden has done the opposite.

From NBC: “The Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 immigrants who have come to the U.S. from Central Asia and elsewhere as ‘subjects of concern’ because they were brought by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network. … While over 150 of them have been arrested, the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown.”

Where’d they go, Joe?

“I believe the [United States] is scrambling to locate these individuals,” said Christopher O’Leary, a former FBI counterterrorism official, to NBC about the disappearing migrants.

Scrambling, rambling.

Biden has been lumbering about the White House for three-plus years, paying lip service to the need to control the border while all along opening doors wide for whomever, from wherever, with a mission of whatever, to cross and disappear. Heck, this administration’s even given ‘em tax-paid entitlements to help them find suitable hotels and health care. No wonder ISIS is taking advantage.

As Migration Policy reported, a record number of 6.3 million migrant encounters have occurred under this administration, since Biden took office in 2021, and more than 2.4 million have been let into the country. Those who do bother to show up for their court proceedings simply say the magic word “asylum,” and voila, they’re put on the path to speedy Democrat voting rolls.

That report was released in January.

The Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan released its own report that same month that spoke of the “record-breaking 269,735 illegal aliens” immigration officials encountered in September alone — “shattering the previous record of 252,315 encounters in December 2022.” 

Biden’s batch of merry border busting boyzz may claim their dear leader has issued far more executive orders than Trump as a means of addressing national boundaries — 535 versus 472, according to January numbers reported by Migration Policy. But that means nothing on the scale of effectiveness.

Fact is, everybody in the world knows Biden has swung America’s doors open wide.

Everybody in the world also knows that Trump, if reelected, once reelected, once he returns to the White House, that his No. 1 priority will be to tighten up the border. Immediately. His No. 2 priority? To round up the illegals already in-country and get them out of the country.

And that’s why CNN’s moderators won’t ask the question.

Biden has nothing to show for securing America’s borders. Biden has nothing to brag about for securing the safety of American citizens. Trump has a proven positive record on both counts. Biden brings ISIS; Trump boots ISIS. And all the good little parrots go, “Convicted felon! Squawk! Convicted felon!”

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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