The recent anti-Israel and antisemitic remarks (and profanity) of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, both New York Democrats, only adds to the moral decay of President Biden’s Democratic Party (“Jamaal Bowman is profane and classless and perfect for the Democrat Party,” web, June 24).

Instead of conducting herself in a respectable, sophisticated manner at a recent rally with Mr. Bowman, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez chose to reveal her insatiable appetite for attention — again. As usual, she pranced around like an out-of-control teenager.

New York’s 14th Congressional District deserves better. When Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s term is up, my suggestion is that her constituents vote for a mature adult. And for the sake of our nation, we can only hope that Mr. Bowman is not reelected, either.


Clearwater, Florida

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