- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A conservative court watcher says liberal campaigns to make the Supreme Court an election issue are meant to “peddle lies.”

Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network, said increasing attacks on the justices — accusing them of flouting ethics — are coming from the left because it is the end of the high court’s term with several hot cases yet to be decided including one over President Trump’s potential immunity from criminal charges.

Ms. Severino said the left is using the court to try to rally voters ahead of November in a dishonest attempt to increase public support for packing the court or imposing term limits on the justices.

“We are seeing pressure because the court is deciding so many important issues,” Ms. Severino said on Tuesday. “The left is very worried the court is not just going to look at their song sheet.”

Her comments come after Stand Up America announced Monday it would spend seven figures on a digital ad campaign against the high court, saying four of the nine justices will be in their 70s during the next president’s term.

“We are sounding the alarm that the decision voters make at the ballot box this November will shape the Court and our fundamental freedoms for generations. In 2025, when the next president takes office, four Supreme Court justices will be in their 70s,” said Christina Harvey, executive director of Stand Up America.

“If Trump wins, he could ensure MAGA control of the Court for decades to come, which would have a huge impact on upcoming cases impacting abortion access, gun safety, voting rights, and our other fundamental freedoms. We can’t let that happen.”

Democratic lawmakers recently said Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito flouted ethics concerns and should recuse themselves from major cases pending before the bench.

Both justices have said they have done nothing wrong and have rebuffed calls for recusal.

• Alex Swoyer can be reached at aswoyer@washingtontimes.com.

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