Unless you believe President Biden’s recent gaffes are “cheap fakes,” as the White House claims, you should be seriously worried about our current president’s mental state (“White House says videos showing Biden freezing, appearing to wander are ‘cheap fakes,’” web, June 17). The problem for the Democrats, though, is that they cannot replace Mr. Biden without raising serious questions.

They claim that former President Donald Trump committed fraud against the American people by hiding his alleged affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels. Whether it’s true or not, this alleged fraud is much less serious than hiding the bombshell that the commander in chief of the United States is suffering from dementia.

My grandfather suffers from dementia, and I can say without reservation that he is incapacitated. If Mr. Biden were to be replaced, the narrative would shift to a massive cover-up perpetuated by the highest levels of the Democratic Party establishment. People would ask, when did his symptoms begin? How long have these symptoms been deliberately hidden, and to what extent was there a cover-up? Finally and most concerning, if Mr. Biden has been mentally incapacitated, who has been running the country these past four years?

So many questions would arise at a time when the world seems to be on fire. The truth of the matter is that the Democrats are in a hard spot. It would hurt them deeply if a revelation that Mr. Biden has been suffering from dementia were confirmed. It would be a major scandal that would initiate a crisis of trust that will harm the Democrats through many future election cycles.


Fairfax Station, Virginia

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