- The Washington Times - Friday, June 21, 2024

Pew Research, in a recent poll, ran with this headline: “Globally, Biden Receives Higher Ratings Than Trump.”

And for the undecided voter — that’s all you need to know. If globalists love the U.S. president, then the U.S. president is doing something wrong.

That’s because most of the governments outside of America are run by open socialists, socialist-wanna-bes, socialists on the sly, and outright socialist deniers who sneak their socialist ways into the system largely by denying they’re socialists and — here’s the sneaky part — by labeling their beliefs and agendas and their political parties as anything but socialist. See the People’s Republic of China for example.

According to Pew: In Sweden, 63 percent have “more confidence” in Joe Biden “to do the right thing regarding world affairs” — whatever that means — compared to 14 percent in Donald Trump. In Germany, it’s 63 percent for Biden, versus 15 percent for Trump. In Poland — where lefties just dominated in recent elections — 70 percent want Biden versus 28 percent, Trump. Go down the list. It’s more of the same. In Mexico, it’s 36 percent for Biden versus 12 percent for Trump. 

Thing is, what’s good for “world affairs” is not necessarily the same as what’s good for America.

America first — that’s how it should be; that’s how it was during the previous Trump administration; and that’s what has ticked off many around the world who see the global governing structure, in all its top-down, elitist glory, as the natural progression of political leadership. 

That’s the way back to America’s leadership on the international stage.

America’s different from all the other nations of the world — exceptional, really — because it’s only in America where the notion of God-given rights and liberties can be found. It’s in our DNA. It’s in our founding documents. It’s the idea that each and every individual is endowed by the Creator, at birth, with certain unalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that governments are only instituted among the people as a means of securing these rights. Governments are there to serve and protect the rights that individuals are already granted by God at birth. It’s from this foundation of “God-given” that Americans take their individualism — their individual rights.

In other countries, the people are only granted rights deemed appropriate and suitable by the politicians. And what the government gives can easily turn into something the government takes. It’s from that type of mentality that collectivism is born, where citizens are seen by the political classes as existing solely to serve the greater good — often, as power breeds corruption, interpreted to mean the good of the ruling elite.

That’s not the American way. 

So when Biden is seen by governments of the world, and by citizens of these governments around the world, and by the elites serving in the upper echelons of political seats around the world — when Biden is seen by all these foreign sources as the better president and the better commander-in-chief and the better White House executive, when compared with Trump, it has to be asked: But is he better for America, as well?

Just look at his years of leadership, his Biden economics, his open border with all its national security and crime threats, his foreign policy failures, his inability to form coherent sentences and stand without stumbling — and compare that to the Trump years in office, and the answer is clear. No. He’s not. Globalists love Biden because he does the bidding of anti-America and socialist-minded forces; namely, to cripple America’s Constitution and destroy America’s individualism, to tear apart tradition and cultural norms, to advance the abnormal and insane, like LGBTQ lunacy, as a means of advancing Marxist divide and conquer strategies. 

“[A] new Pew Research Center survey finds that, internationally, Biden is viewed more positively than his rival,” Pew wrote.

Unsurprising. Biden’s entire White House agenda is tailored to helping other nations more than his own.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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