- Wednesday, June 19, 2024

If it were not for “anecdotal information,” we would never be able to enjoy all the infomercials about weight loss, cleaning products, watertight adhesives, and wrinkle removers that work in only minutes and last for hours. Is it any wonder then that normal folks are a little skeptical when these advertisements exploit our fears and wants?

We are inundated with stories from people whose lives have been supposedly changed by a product, and at the very end in ridiculously small letters, we are reminded that the claims have not been substantiated by recognized scientific testing. Often if we find ourselves “suckered in” by the nebulous claims, the one-time used “gotta-have-it-now” product ends up in a cluttered storage area or simply thrown away because our experience does not match that of the “real life person” on TV.

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Nevertheless, there are times when chronicled individual events continue to occur over a significant period in various venues where definite patterns can begin to emerge. Such is the case with the great cultural and spiritual divide in our nation and the striking difference in the way particular situations are viewed and resolved.

What we have seen emerge in America over the last few months and years is a distinct contrast in how the media and society at large categorize acts done in the name of concepts favored by culturists on the far left and those done in the name of conservative or Christian causes.

Perhaps you have not heard or seen the evidence for the inverse reaction of the left-leaning media and political pundits regarding events that transpire in the public realm. Depending on actions taken and the actor(s) by whom they are performed, these socialistic purveyors of polluted truth frame the impact of a story solely based on their own confused perceptions.

If that is the case, here is just a small sampling of the labels indicating their proclivity for contrasting viewpoints to suit their sordid desires:

Black Lives Matter riots and occupation of governmental buildings along with destruction of private property, arson, and brutality – MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS.

A 75-year-old grandmother blocking access to an abortion clinic – FELONY CONVICTION WITH A TWO-YEAR ACTIVE SENTENCE.

“Death to Israel or America” — PROTECTED FREE SPEECH.

Misuse of preferred pronouns — HATE SPEECH.

Pro-Hamas rioters storm the White House gates and damage three statutes nearby with anti-Jewish slogans – NOT ONE PERSON ARRESTED, “THESE PROTESTERS HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK THEIR MIND” (according to a Biden administration spokesperson).

The Jan. 6, 2021 protest against the 2020 election at the Capitol Building — AN INSURRECTION PUT DOWN BY FORCE.

Anti-Semitic violent protests on college campuses — DEMONSTRATIONS WITH A VALID POINT THAT GOT A LITTLE OUT OF HAND.

Tire marks on “Pride Painting” on the street — HATE CRIME WITH FELONY PROSECUTION.

Burning an American flag — PROTECTED FREE SPEECH.


Wearing Black Lives Matter and Pride symbols on clothing — FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION.

Wearing American flag symbols or other patriotic clothing — PROHIBITED EXCEPT ON APPROPRIATE HOLIDAYS (maybe).

Celebrating and promoting deviant sex in front of small children — EDUCATION.

Parents protesting age-inappropriate sex training and grooming of their children — TERRORISM.

It just does not take a particularly observant person to detect a significant distinction between the viewpoints of our society about what is right and what is wrong depending solely on the color of the lens through which you might choose to peer. As we progress as a nation further and further down the wormhole of illusion, we find ourselves straining at the gnat of reality and swallowing the camel of politically and culturally acceptable madness.

It is the inevitable result of a mental deficiency imposed by a society that has no idea who it is or what real purpose it serves. Muddled emotional gobbledygook has been transplanted for the God-given rational thought processes that once existed in the psyche of America’s people. Interestingly, the prophet Isaiah had some pointed and powerful words to describe this same situation that applied to the inhabitants of his own nation, and they are just as appropriate in describing the powers of darkness that now pervade American culture.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight! – Isaiah 5:20-21

At Southern Evangelical Seminary we are quite well acquainted with the assaults on the faith of every true Christ follower arising from the present culture. It is also easy to ascertain the aggression directed solely at the true being of America herself. The source of both attacks is the same anarchy-driven, godless mindset of a nation that has lost its soul.

The words of Isaiah went unheeded in his own country in his time; and defeat, death, and destruction followed as a result. Will the fate of our beloved nation be the same? The answer is a resounding confirmation if we too continue down the Leming-like path of destruction that we have chosen. The real hope for America lies solely in the only Truth that Matters found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for Southern Evangelical Seminary, you will find us standing steadfast in this truth.

After a successful career as a lawyer and judge, Judge Phil Ginn retired as the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for the 24th Judicial District in North Carolina. Throughout his 22-year judicial career, he had the privilege of holding court in almost 50% of the county seats in North Carolina. Currently, Judge Ginn serves as the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary (ses.edu) and is a regular contributor to Christianity.com and The Washington Times. Judge Ginn has also been featured on Fox News, CBN, Newsmax, Decision Magazine, The Christian Post, Townhall, and many others.

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