- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 18, 2024

President Biden’s campaign is busily plotting to roll out a batch of new political ads painting Donald Trump as a “convicted felon.”

Well done, Democrats. This is their proverbial ace in the hole.

Biden sucks at pretty much everything, and has, since Day One in the White House. But since he’s the apparent pick of the party for the Democrats’ hoped-for 2024 presidential win — well, they gotta do something. So bumper sticker branding it is.

“Biden plans $50 million ad blitz to highlight Trump’s convictions,” Business Insider wrote.

“Biden campaign targets ‘convicted felon’ Trump with $50M media buy ahead of first debate,” Fox News wrote.

“Biden unloads on Trump in ad: ‘A convicted criminal who’s only out for himself,’” Politico wrote.

“Biden campaign calls Trump a ‘convicted felon’ in new ad about former president’s legal cases,” CBS News wrote.

It’s 2016 all over again.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton tried to run as the “Not Donald Trump” candidate — and look how she fared.

Biden, with even far fewer political accomplishments than Clinton to tout, is apparently taking that “Not Donald Trump” message to a new level and inserting the new tag, “Not Felon Donald Trump.”

The hope is Democrats in troll land will turn out in droves to spread the “convicted felon” line all over social media, saturating feeds to the point where the undecideds and independents and uninformed will sleepwalk their way to the polls with only the parrot-like mantra to guide: I don’t wanna vote for no “convicted felon.” Voila. Cha-ching. Another smart Democrat shopper does the bidding for the loons leading the party of Marxists and colors in the bubble for Biden.

That the “convicted felon” label is all a farce is of no special concern to Democrats. As part and parcel of being the party of Marxists, they’re also the people who say “any and all means are justified so long as the desired ends are achieved” — and that includes lying, deceiving, slandering, exploiting, destroying, destroying, exploiting, slandering, deceiving and lying. They’re good at that. They’ve been perfecting deep-state subterfuge for who knows how long, and combined with a weaponized court system, bought and paid by George Soros, as well as a fawning, complicit media, they’ve made great gains and taken huge strides since Barack Obama days to usher in their anti-America ways.

Their next task?

How to get over and win presidential debates with brain-dead Biden at the helm. That’s a puzzler, all rightee.

Can’t talk economy.

Can’t talk foreign policy.

Can’t talk borders and national security and the state of crime in America’s communities.

Can’t talk at all, in fact. So what’s a flailing, desperate yet determined Democrat Party to do? Make Trump look so bad voters have no choice but to pick Biden.

“Biden Campaign Ad Calls Attention to Trump’s Felon Status,” The New York Times wrote.

There you have it, America. The Democrat Party’s plan to win this year’s race to the White House: a two-word tag aimed at producing a knee-jerk reaction in low-information, no-information, emotionally immature voters.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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