- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 18, 2024

President Biden on Tuesday unveiled a large-scale immigration program that will offer legal status and a simplified path to citizenship for roughly 500,000 illegal immigrants married to U.S. citizens.

At a White House ceremony to announce the executive order, Mr. Biden said his plan helps keep families together, drawing a sharp contrast with former President Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump, the presumptive GOP presidenital nominee, was fiercely criticized by Democrats and immigration-rights activists during his administration because his zero-tolerance policy towards migrants resulted in children being separated from their parents at the border.

He has again made border security a major theme of his election campaign.

Mr. Biden contended that his plan is a humane way to address illegal immigration without separating families. 

“It is simple. It embraces the American principle that we should keep families together,” he said. 

SEE ALSO: Biden to grant ‘parole’ to 500,000 illegal immigrant spouses, easing path to legal status

Under the new policy, those who are here illegally but married to a citizen can apply for work permits and deportation protections if they lived in the U.S. for at least a decade and meet other requirements, such as passing a criminal background check.

Mr. Biden will have Homeland Security grant them “parole,” which will allow them to adjust their status without leaving, and give them a three-year window to apply for a green card. They will also gain quick work permits.

Speaking Tuesday, Mr. Biden said the plan is good for American businesses and the economy because it will keep skilled workers in the country, including some who are illegal but graduated from U.S. colleges and universities and landed jobs.

He also accused Mr. Trump of fear-mongering on immigration. The former president has been touting the efficacy of his zero-tolerance policy in recent media appearances and hasn’t ruled out reinstating family separations.

“We have to acknowledge that the patience and goodwill of the American people are being tested by their fears at the border,” Mr. Biden said. “They don’t understand a lot of these fears my predecessor is trying to play on.”

Mr. Biden said that if Mr. Trump is reelected, he will reinstate family separations, causing pain for those split apart.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s campaign spotlights Marylander’s murder to counter Biden immigration plan

“Now he’s proposing to rip spouses and children from their families and homes and communities and place them in detention camps,” Mr. Biden said. “He’s actually saying these things. It’s hard to believe it’s being said, but he’s saying these things out loud. It’s outrageous.”

Earlier Tuesday, the Trump campaign pointed to the death of a Maryland woman who was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant from Salvador, warning that Mr. Biden’s proposal will lead to a crime surge.

Biden’s mass amnesty plan will undoubtedly lead to a greater surge in migrant crime, cost taxpayers millions of dollars they cannot afford, overwhelm public services, and steal Social Security and Medicare benefits from American seniors to fund benefits for illegals — draining the programs Americans paid into their entire working lives,” said Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt.

• Stephen Dinan can be reached at sdinan@washingtontimes.com.

• Jeff Mordock can be reached at jmordock@washingtontimes.com.

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