- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Leftist policies are creating chaos around the country — and the world. The public is coming to realize its mistake and is finally doing something about it. European voters sent socialist politicians packing earlier this month. If the polls are to be believed, the American electorate is ready to follow suit.

That’s triggering panic in the White House. Monday’s Des Moines Register survey of likely voters suggested President Biden will capture just 32% of the vote in Iowa, down from the 45% tallied in his favor in 2020. A plunge of 13 percentage points suggests even lifelong Democrats are unhappy about the country’s direction.

Left-of-center Iowans aren’t necessarily abandoning Mr. Biden in favor of former President Donald Trump. At least 9% say they intend to cast a ballot for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while 4% will either choose “someone else” or will not vote.

Black voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania are even more exasperated. According to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll published Sunday, Mr. Biden’s support among this key demographic has dropped by 20 to 22 points, with Mr. Kennedy and Cornel West picking up between 6% and 8% each.

Despite the dismal numbers, Democrats are stuck with their candidate, since the next in line, Vice President Kamala Harris, has an even lower popularity rating than Mr. Biden. She was handed her spot on the ticket as outreach to minorities, but the numbers show they’re not impressed with Mr. Biden’s fumbled attempt at a diversity hire.

Likewise, the vaguely racist Democratic strategy of flooding the nation with illegal immigrants has failed to galvanize Hispanics. A CBS News/YouGov poll found that 62% of Americans and a majority, 52%, of Hispanic voters want to see mass deportation of these trespassing newcomers.

That’s a commonsense position, considering how many illegal aliens hail from China, Africa or the Middle East. Eight men from Tajikistan who sneaked across the border last year were rounded up last week after the FBI looked into their backgrounds and apparently discovered ties to ISIS and a penchant for discussing bombs.

Rather than check for such antisocial tendencies at the border, Mr. Biden’s minions roll out the red carpet the moment anyone crosses over. No matter how suspicious they might seem, they’re handed a plane or bus ticket, a smartphone and a map to the nearest polling place.

Mr. Biden’s fake executive order “cracking down” on illegal immigration isn’t fooling anyone. After importing 20 million potential Democratic voters into the country, the issuance of a loophole-laden directive a few months before the election changes nothing.

Regardless of race, Americans wonder about Mr. Biden’s grasp on reality. A new I&I/TIPP Poll found 47% of those surveyed would grade the president’s mental acuity as “poor” or “unacceptable.”

That matches the judgment of special counsel Robert Hur, who declared in February that the president was not fit to stand trial for hoarding classified documents — the same crime for which Mr. Trump is being prosecuted — because Mr. Biden is “a sympathetic, well­-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

The voters appear poised to take the keys to the White House away from Mr. Biden. It’s as much a rejection of his policies as a recognition that it’s time for him to retire.

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