- Monday, June 17, 2024

Last week, the Supreme Court released a deeply disappointing decision regarding President Joe Biden’s mail-order abortion drug scheme, in FDA v. AHM.

This case involved pro-life doctors waving the red flag on the harms of the abortion drug. The doctor’s case focused on the Biden FDA’s permanent abandonment of safety regulations in 2021 during the pandemic, to allow nationwide shipping of these drugs. The FDA ignored its own guidance, as its label says these drugs send one in 25 women to the ER. They completely shirked common sense and basic safety standards for women by rolling back those standards.

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Yet, sadly, the Supreme Court did not weigh in on the harms of the mail-order drugs but simply dealt with whether they thought the doctors had standing (if there was an injury to bring this suit). Ultimately, the justices concluded the doctors were not injured, thereby bringing an end to their challenge. This ruling will continue to allow the Biden administration’s lax mail-order drug rules to remain in place despite lower courts finding that his government likely broke the law when it loosened critical safety standards.

So after all of that, will this be the last we see of mail-order abortion drug challenges at the Supreme Court? I seriously doubt it and here’s why.

We have not even begun to understand the harms of reckless online ordering and shipping of abortion drugs in America. This is such a new phenomenon. We haven’t seen the full ripple effects of this yet, and we don’t even know the massive cost to come.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.

SEE ALSO: Mail-order abortion scheme prioritizes politics, not health care

But thankfully, we do have some brave people who are canaries in the coal mine clueing us in of what’s to come.

Practicing board-certified OB-GYN and senior leader of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, Dr. Ingrid Skop, shared, “As a practicing OB-GYN with over 30 years experience, I have seen firsthand that mail-order abortion drugs harm my patients, both mothers and their unborn children. Abortion advocates and corporate media ignore their stories as they shamelessly promote mail-order distribution of dangerous drugs without a single in-person doctor visit. As a tragic result, I expect to see more women need blood transfusions, emergency surgery and other drastic measures and our emergency medical systems overwhelmed.”

Dr. Skop is right. The outdated talking point of “an abortion is between a woman and her doctor” has been made obsolete by the very people pushing abortion. Now groups like Planned Parenthood boast dispensing high-risk abortion drugs by app, ‘“completely free of face-to-face interaction with a clinician,” to anyone with a mailing address.

Forced and coerced abortions happen everywhere across this country. A recent study found that two-thirds of abortions were forced, coerced or inconsistent with the woman’s preferences. Now imagine what ordering these drugs online via text or app, like tomorrow’s Walmart grocery order, can do for abusers or traffickers?

Catherine Herring and her daughter don’t have to imagine. They lived it.

Ms. Herring and her baby in the womb were poisoned seven times by her estranged husband through abortion drugs that he ordered online from Mexico. The husband did not want to be a dad, so he ordered the drugs and enacted a new form of domestic violence that is starting to be seen state by state. At least three states – Texas, Florida and Massachusetts – have now reported third parties attempting to poison women with the drugs. And last month, Louisiana made it a crime to poison pregnant women with these drugs.

SEE ALSO: Supreme Court dismisses challenge to abortion pill, says pro-life doctors lack standing

Pro-abortion advocates and the Biden administration’s bloodlust for abortion on demand, quite literally online on demand, have become reckless and overreaching. They’re even allowing abortionists to ship unmarked packages of abortion drugs into pro-life states. All without any consequence to them, even if abusers order the purchase or there is harm to the woman. This utter chaos has prompted the states of Idaho, Kansas and Missouri to take up a legal challenge based on harms suffered by women in their states.

It’s clear to me that if abortion advocates and the federal government recklessly play interstate political games with women and children’s lives, then we will continue to see brave doctors, women and pro-life lawmakers stand up.

This is not what health care looks like, this is what complete abandonment of women and children’s safety looks like.

Emily Erin Davis is a published author and bilingual media professional, communicating in both English and Mandarin Chinese. Previously, she served as a global humanitarian and content creator, providing on-the-ground news and help. You may have seen her or read her words at USA Today, Newsweek, Fox News and more. She’s currently continuing her humanitarian work as the VP of Communications at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, as she fights for everyone’s fundamental right to life. As great as her career is, her most impactful roles are mom and wife. 

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