- Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A thoughtful case can be made that in the same areas of life that the Democrat Party is trying to destroy former President Donald Trump, it has also shredded the Black men in America.

Mr. Trump is the single biggest threat to the “reset” globalist agenda to dissemble America’s free-market system, which protects and underpins Western Christian civilization. Because of this, the Democrat machine wants to break him in every way: financially, emotionally and even physically, as he faces possible incarceration or home confinement come July 11 unless miraculously a mistrial is called.

The same motivation behind the Democrat Party’s agenda to take down Mr. Trump was also behind the Democrats’ passage of Lyndon B. Johnson’s so-called Great Society. Democrat lawmakers removed Black men as head of the home in the 1960s so they could revamp much of the U.S. government into a socialized welfare state, and as a result, too many Black men and their families have lived in destitution ever since.

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So, it would be for good reason to hope that New York Mayor Eric Adams and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, both Black men, would get behind Mr. Trump and collaborate with him to reverse Black poverty and government dependence. Instead, they are Democrat accomplices who are playing key mechanical roles in the New York lawfare against Mr. Trump. Mr. Adams has touted his plans to place Mr. Trump in Rikers jail, while Mr. Bragg is the public frontman who has worked in concert with the Biden administration and arranged for a New York jury to convict the 45th president.

Unlike Mr. Adams and Mr. Bragg, who help implement the Biden administration’s agenda, Mr. Trump is his own man. He does not bow to either the Republican or the Democrat Party establishment. And part of Mr. Trump’s voter appeal is that he bucks political correctness and does not mince words. Though he’s often criticized for this, it more often than not works in his favor.

SEE ALSO: In Bronx rally, Trump says Biden policies have ‘slaughtered’ Black and Hispanic Americans

In 2016, when Mr. Trump asked Black voters on the campaign trail, “What the hell do you have to lose?,” he opened the Pandora’s box that prompted many Blacks to recognize that Democrat politicians do not give a rat’s derriere about them living in rat-infested living conditions, but only desire to keep them under the Democrat thumb. And both Mr. Adams and Mr. Bragg’s government actions are examples of this.

Ever since Mr. Adams’ predecessor and self-avowed socialist Bill de Blasio handed him the reins, New York City has spiraled further downward. Mr. Adams’ public support for sanctuary cities, coupled with his providing ritzy hotel accommodations to illegal immigrants, has only helped incentivize illegals to keep coming to America. Never mind that illegals will take jobs from inner-city Blacks and cause their wages to lower.

Like Mr. Adams, Mr. Bragg subscribes to the same leftist ideology and is equally on board with Mr. Adams in supporting President Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ border invasion policies. And as a George Soros instrument, Mr. Bragg has green-lit an increase in crime. Earlier this year, when Mr. Bragg released without bail illegal immigrants who attacked New York Police Department officers in Times Square, the jig was up that his progressive bail reform was about fighting injustice, as claimed during his rollout. There is nothing just about letting criminals off the hook.

When it comes to comparing Mr. Trump’s imprint as a real estate mogul in making New York City more vibrant and prosperous versus Mr. Adams and Mr. Bragg’s destructive government actions that have fueled mayhem to spread, the contrast is day and night, or good versus evil.

As a homegrown New Yorker who is highly street-smart, Mr. Trump’s choice to hold a rally in the Bronx was masterful. Typical Trump, he rejected conventional Republican thinking that Black voters cannot be swayed. Mr. Trump’s appeal in Crotona Park against the Democrat Party’s welfare state that has imprisoned Black recipients’ financial and cultural capabilities in every aspect, could not have been timed better, as Mr. Trump himself fights Democrats for his own freedom.

Down deep, Black American men instinctively know that Democrat-controlled government policies are robbing them of their dignity and manhood. And this is why Mr. Trump is a better role model for Black men than either Mr. Adams or Mr. Bragg, who are collectively working overtime to maintain Democrats’ corrupt government system that has kept Blacks suppressed. Mr. Trump does not accept defeat or a failed status quo. And in spite of all the injustice thrown at Mr. Trump, he refuses to falter; his DNA does not allow it. Instead of being shaken by his attackers, Mr. Trump reciprocates and charges right back.

SEE ALSO: District Attorney Alvin Bragg savors Trump conviction victory: ‘I did my job’

Hopefully, Mr. Trump’s example to stand up for one’s own self-worth and not be emasculated will inspire enough Black male voters in New York to make history this election cycle and finally get fed up enough with the likes of Mr. Adams and Mr. Bragg, and vote to set themselves free from their Democrat perpetrators.

And if the rumors become true and Mr. Trump decides to hold a packed-out rally in Madison Square Garden, that would be the ultimate counterpunch to the Democrat Party.

Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. Along with serving his local church in North Carolina, he travels nationally to speak, preach and confront school boards, for which his notoriety has spread coast to coast with 300 million+ views on videos of his now famous challenges to woke school board officials. From the battles on the NC State football field to the current-day culture wars, he is a fearless defender of Biblical justice. IKNOWGOD.US.

Correction: A previous version of this column incorrectly identified Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

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