- Monday, July 8, 2024

Let’s face it. The GOP has a deep bench of qualified vice presidential picks for former President Donald Trump as he eyes his potential running mates. Each brings unique talents and skills to a Trump ticket and a Trump administration. One potential VP pick, though, increases Mr. Trump’s winning edge both in November and in a second Trump term: Sen. Tim Scott.

Here’s how:

First, the South Carolina Republican further solidifies Mr. Trump’s growing support in minority communities.

Current polls show Mr. Trump is receiving support in Black and Hispanic communities that no GOP presidential nominee has seen in decades. Mr. Scott, who grew up poor in a single-parent household, saw the love of a mother who worked two jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. That, along with an abiding faith and a “never give up” attitude, led Mr. Scott to build his own successful small business and become the first African American senator to be elected from the South since Reconstruction. Mr. Scott’s story is the American story, and it resonates with many in minority communities that they can succeed if given an opportunity.

Second, opportunity zones.

Mr. Scott co-authored the historic initiative through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It has enabled billions of dollars of private sector capital to be invested in low-income areas in all 50 states. It has offered real hope in America’s economically distressed communities.

Mr. Scott’s leadership in making opportunity zones a reality is reminiscent of the message and vision of former Rep. Jack Kemp. Kemp, the GOP’s 1996 nominee for vice president, believed that the Republicans should do more to provide economic incentives for our inner cities and poor areas. Mr. Trump, who has taken his campaign to the South Bronx and Philadelphia, singled out Mr. Scott and his leadership on opportunity zones in the first presidential debate with President Biden. Having Mr. Scott on the ticket will enable Mr. Trump to continue to take the fight, with real credibility, to urban and poor areas that have been failed by current government policies.

Third is Mr. Scott’s connection with the evangelical community. Mr. Scott is genuinely admired in America’s evangelical community. He doesn’t just talk the talk. He walks the walk. Last year, he received the “Distinguished Christian Statesman Award.” The award is given annually by the respected Center for Christian Statesmanship, which was founded by the Rev. D. James Kennedy.

Yes, Mr. Trump is expected to get a large percentage of America’s evangelical vote, as he did in 2016 and 2020. But increasing evangelical support and turnout by just a couple of points in critical swing states could prove crucial.

Fourth, recent polling data shows that Mr. Scott helps the Trump ticket.

A Harvard/Harris poll taken last month on the impact of various VP choices on the electorate showed that 6% of voters were likelier to vote for the Trump ticket with Mr. Scott as the VP nominee. The other would be GOP VP nominees had no impact or caused voters to be less likely to support Mr. Trump. In a recent Fox News interview, pollster Mark Penn called Mr. Scott a good VP pick and one that Democrats feared.

Last, Mr. Scott can help get Mr. Trump’s agenda through the Senate.

In a second Trump term, Mr. Scott not only helps Mr. Trump in the fall but also has the skills and personality to help get the Trump agenda through Congress. In short, there’s no more liked member of the Senate than Tim Scott. He also knows how to work with other members to get things done. Don’t forget, he got Sen. Cory Booker, New Jersey Democrat, to co-sponsor his opportunity zone legislation. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Ohio Democrat, showed up at his swearing-in reception for his most recent term. Close to 10 senators spoke when he received the “Distinguished Christian Statesman Award.” Mr. Trump won’t find a better or more effective vice president to help get his legislative agenda through Congress.

In short, Mr. Scott is a “happy warrior” who complements Mr. Trump in style and substance. He epitomizes the American dream and believes America’s best days are ahead if we can right the ship and get our nation back on track. His is a message of hope to so many across our land who are struggling to make ends meet.

Having Sen. Tim Scott as the GOP vice presidential nominee will increase Mr. Trump’s winning edge in the November election and help ensure the new Trump administration is best prepared to get its agenda through Congress.

• Van Hipp served as chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party from 1986 to 1989 and was a member of the Presidential Electoral College in 1988. He also served as deputy assistant secretary of the Army under Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.

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