How do we know for a fact that those Democratic governors who took part at the recent White House meeting actually met with President Biden “Democratic governors offer support to embattled Biden, vow to ‘have his back’,” web, July 3)? We really don’t know who was involved. After all, no cameras were allowed.

The consensus is that Mr. Biden is “in it to win it,” which can easily be translated to “Democrats are in it to win it — at any and all costs.” Mr. Biden is most likely in stage five of dementia, yet Democrats dutifully continue to prop him up. At least for the time being, he is their Manchurian candidate. We are witnessing the biggest and most dangerous cover-up ever to take place on American soil.

Come the Democratic National Convention in August, we’ll find out what tricks the Democrats have up their sleeves and if Mr. Biden is still in. In the meantime, the Democrats would rally around Porky Pig if it meant retaining power. Th-th-th-that’s all, folks.


Clearwater, Florida

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