- Wednesday, July 31, 2024

“We have to go back!” progressives shouted at us when The 1619 Project fantasy was being foisted on impressionable kids. “We have to correct the record so that this next generation learns the truth!” they screeched. This is despite the fact that many notable historians, including some who are quite progressive in their politics, trashed Nikole Hannah-Jones’ revisionist history as nonsense wrapped in anti-white racism.

As harmful as The 1619 Project has been to students across the country, its sudden injection into the school system blunted its effects. Almost immediately, parents blasted local school boards, demanding its removal. But there is another strand of progressive propaganda infecting our nation’s classrooms and school libraries, and this one was introduced over decades and under the radar. Though it might be called “sex ed,” most of it would be better classified as sexual predation — and it can be traced back to Margaret Sanger and 1916. To understand the insidious nature of Sanger’s sexual liberation project, yes indeed, we have to go back.

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1916 was the year Sanger opened America’s first birth control clinic, the fountainhead of a wicked enterprise that has claimed the lives of tens of millions. Though Planned Parenthood abortion mills receive most of the press, Sanger’s deathly enterprise has many outlets, including sex ed. In fact, Sanger was a pioneer of perversion, long before pride flags, polyamory, and puberty blockers were part of our national conversation.

In the years leading up to the Brownsville Clinic, before Sanger’s time in the United Kingdom with professional pervert Havelock Ellis, she was already proclaiming a new creed of sexual freedom. Sanger’s friend Mabel Dodge described it like this:

It was as if she had been more or less arbitrarily chosen by the powers that be to voice a new gospel of not only sex-knowledge in regard to conception, but sex-knowledge about copulation and its intrinsic importance. She was the first person I ever knew who was openly an ardent propagandist for the joys of the flesh.

SEE ALSO: Project 1916: Margaret Sanger’s culture of death brings century of abortion, euthanasia and more

It wasn’t merely that Sanger was ahead of her time in advocating for consequence-free, absolutely-nothing’s-off-limits sex on demand; she was a pioneer, blazing a trail no one had trod before. Her sex gospel was inseparable from abortion, which, not coincidentally, has become a sacrament in certain progressive circles. In the very first issue of her magazine “The Woman Rebel,” Sanger wrote: “Our objective is unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children.”

That’s why, today, Planned Parenthood publishes sex-ed books, pamphlets, and curricula; produces films, videos, and ads that push a sex-ed agenda; lobbies politicians and the courts to keep their brand of sex-ed in the schools; and maintains an army of sex-ed instructors ready to bring their sex gospel into schools, churches, and community centers across the land. For Planned Parenthood, sexual education is a sales funnel used to sell abortions.

Right about now, you may be thinking, “But Seth, doesn’t sex-ed in schools reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies?” Sure, that’s what we’ve all been told. But it’s a lie. Studies show that most sex-ed makes no difference, and Planned Parenthood’s programs actually make things worse. Imagine that — the world’s chief purveyor of baby-murder procedures provides instruction that increases baby murder.

In 1964, Planned Parenthood’s medical director, Mary Calderone, left to start the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, or SEICUS. Through her new organization, she brought Planned Parenthood’s sex-ed framework to the wider world and gave it a scientific veneer, borrowing “research” from the likes of the Kinsey Institute.

The institute’s infamous namesake, Alfred Kinsey, original studied the mating habits of the gall wasp but later switched to human sexuality. After all, if people are just advanced animals, what’s the difference? Kinsey’s research was — and still is — used to normalize homosexuality, pedophilia, and transsexuality. Though Kinsey interviewed more than 17,000 men and women for his life’s work, his analysis focused on responses from prostitutes, pedophiles, and prison inmates. To give you the perverse flavor of Kinsey’s work, in Table 34 of his book “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” he charted the orgasms of children — yup, kiddie orgasms. According to his “analysis,” an 11-month-old baby had 10 orgasms in an hour, while another had 14 in 39 minutes.

One of Kinsey’s prime subjects was a Nazi pedophile — read “demon” — named Fritz von Balluseck (yes, that’s his real name). Though Balluseck raped hundreds of children over a 37 span, Kinsey believed his diaries were exemplary in describing normal human sexual behavior. Another test subject was a sexual omnivore “whose history of sexual encounters with men, women, boys, girls, animals and family members took 17 hours to record.” Not only did Kinsey fail to report this monster to the authorities, but he also falsified his data to make this one interviewee’s survey answers appear to have come from multiple people, thus normalizing his animalistic predilections. It was from this “research” that SIECUS and Planned Parenthood built their curricula for America’s schools.

One of the Left’s favorite slogans today is “Love wins.” It’s mostly used to justify gay marriage, but it also opens the door to polyamory, pedophilia, and even bestiality. And why not? Planned Parenthood’s sex-ed materials were paving the way for these sexual aberrations years earlier: “There are only two kinds of sex: sex with victims and sex without. Sex with victims is always wrong. Sex without is always right.” I suppose we should be thankful they aren’t yet promoting outright rape.

“The 1916 Project” unearths the how and why of our “progressive” culture shift. In 1916, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, opened her first clinic and launched America into a moral revolution that would have far-reaching consequences worldwide. Seth Gruber traces a direct path from Planned Parenthood to the Nazis to the current Democratic Party. Get a copy of the book here and host a screening of the film at your church or catch our tour dates here.

Seth Gruber is one of the most trusted and influential voices today, driving change in the battle for Life. With a clarion call, he exposes the chilling realities of America’s “Culture of Death” while urging the church to rise and lead the charge on the front lines of our cultural war. As the host of the Seth Gruber Podcast, he reaches tens of thousands with his impassioned message. Additionally, he serves as the Executive Producer on the groundbreaking documentary The 1916 Project, shedding light on the twisted history of today’s modern abortion crises. Seth Gruber is on a journey to empower others to stand against the tide of darkness and fight for a culture of life. Seth and his wife, Olivia, have three children and live in Kansas City.

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