- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A key House GOP lawmaker is demanding answers from White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients about whether Hunter Biden recently received classified information while attending meetings at the White House with his father.

Rep. Mike Turner, Ohio Republican and House intelligence committee chairman, wrote to Mr. Zients asking about the younger Biden’s attendance at official White House meetings involving the president and his staff.

“I write to request a full accounting of any classified information discussed or disclosed in these meetings,” Mr. Turner wrote.

“According to news reporting, the President’s son’s sudden presence at official meetings has caused confusion for some White House staff, prompting a reaction of, ’What the hell is happening?’”

Mr. Turner went on to say that it was “disturbing to learn these events are transpiring in the West Wing, especially via news sources.”

He added that it is “unclear” what official meetings and phone conversations the president’s son is participating in and his role in these discussions, which could include receiving classified information.  

The Washington Times reached out to the White House for comment but did not immediately hear back.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed at a press briefing Tuesday that Hunter Biden was part of a speech prep meeting because the president’s family is around for the holiday weekend, downplaying the implication of Hunter’s presence.

“Look, the president as you know, is very close to his family, this is a holiday week, Fourth of July. He spent time with his family,” she said in response to a question during the briefing.

NBC News previously reported that Hunter Biden was part of these meetings with the president and his top aides since his father returned to the White House from Camp David on Monday, four people said.

Additionally, according to the outlet, the younger Biden has been in discussions with senior White House staff members.

Although Hunter Biden is routinely at White House residence and events, the sources said they found it unusual for his son to be around his father during these meetings and discussions with his team.

• Kerry Picket can be reached at kpicket@washingtontimes.com.

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