- The Washington Times - Friday, July 26, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris has barely announced her run for the presidency for 2024, but she’s already ticked off America’s number one ally, Israel. How so? By blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for killing “far too many” civilians in Gaza.

Jane, you ignorant slut. That’s called war — you blankedly blank blank Kamala.

That Harris has already alerted the world that her White House foreign policy would simply be an extension of the Joe Biden White House foreign policy — which is to say Iran and Iran’s terror proxies will be regarded as moral equivalents to Israel, to America, to civilized societies — is a groan moment for American allies. It means danger and peril are on the horizon. Why can’t Democrats understand that what they say on the campaign trail reverberates around the world, and that if America is seen as weak and coddling and concessionary to forces of evil, then these forces of evil will take full advantage?

The problem is Democrats don’t recognize the existence of evil.

They are either atheists and secularists, and therefore have zero belief in God and Satan and biblical concepts of good and evil; or they’re believers in God but not a devil and so think that with only the proper tools and education and economic opportunity, those with dark intents can be convinced to live the righteous life.

The spiritual mindset of Democrats is the most important element of their decision-making process, and the more they deny God, the more their ridiculous, foolhardy, dangerous and destructive decisions make sense. 

Sixty-nine percent of those who identified in a recent Pew Research poll as Democrat or leaning Democrat also said they were atheists. Conversely, only 15 percent of self-identified Republicans said similarly; that they were atheists. That’s a huge difference. That’s actually the difference that most matters to what’s taking place in politics in America today.

America was founded on an idea of God-given rights and liberties for each and every individual, with governments put in place to protect and preserve those inherent, birth rights and liberties. Government is there to serve, in other words. Government is not there to dole out rights and liberties as its members deem appropriate. So as atheism grows, so, too, does government. As America turns more and more secular, government steps in and fills the role of provider — and granter — and bestower of this and that, and that and this, until it’s government, Big Government, Biggest Government, cradle-to-grave government giving and taking and distributing and redistributing at whim.

But an America without God faces more hurdles than Big Government.

Atheist politicians also have a belief that humans are born good and that those who commit bad acts in life do so simply because of the circumstances in which they were raised. They think with the right redistribution of resources and with the proper application of government subsidy and with the more equitable spreading of money and opportunity and access to education and three square meals a day — not to mention a zero-emission mandate so droughts, fires, hurricanes and tornadoes would disappear — that all humans would get along and coexist in peace and love. They think government can bring nirvana. They think they know best how to control the flow of resources around the world so that all is fair for all — and they think they know best how to define fair.

That’s what happens when you don’t believe in God and original sin — that is, the biblical truth that the banishment of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden forever after cursed humanity and all generations to come as cut from the same sin-filled cloth. Recognizing that humans are born into sin puts humans in the position of having to recognize the need of a Savior. Arrogant people don’t like that idea. Pride-filled individuals don’t want to acknowledge that truth — or confess their faults.

Arrogant and prideful individuals would rather see their own hearts and minds as sources of solutions for what ails humanity.

So when atheist politicians take over the main stages of governance, they bring with them the idea that they and only they are capable of solving issues. They think government is the greatest power in the world, and they think all the people of the world are morally equivalent, questing for the same things in life, hoping for the exact same things in life for their children, and at root, peaceful and open to compromise and willing to get along with all — so long as their own needs are met. Give ‘em some Meals on Wheels and backpacks with school supplies, and they’ll be good to go.

That’s utterly untrue.

That’s completely deceptive reasoning.

That’s totally unbiblical and false doctrine, as well.

Evil exists. It’s real, It comes as both a spiritual force and physical entity. And one such example of evil played out October 7 in Israel when a band of terrorists called Hamas swooped onto a field where a music festival was taking place and abducted, tortured, sexually assaulted and raped and brutally murdered scores of innocent Jewish men, women, girls, boys and babies, yes, babies. These terrorists didn’t commit these atrocities because they were hungry; they didn’t cut the breasts off their female victims because they didn’t have access to decent schools; they didn’t shoot and shoot again and laugh as they shot even more times their defenseless victims — and then shot video to share of the screaming of their victims — because of climate change, or poor medical care, or failing infrastructure.

They did it because they were evil.

They did it because they believe in an evil spirit and follow an evil faith that says their enemies must be killed, and their enemies’ nations eradicated, and that they will be rewarded in the afterlife for their murderous ways.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities; against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” Ephesians 6:12 tells us.

Yes. That’s why so many Democrats as atheists will prove the downfall of America.

That’s why so many leftists hate law and order and all that is good and moral and proper and traditional.

That’s why Kamala Harris makes an antisemitic remark like accusing Israel of harming civilians during a war against Hamas that Hamas started — and fails to see either the antisemitism or the absurdity in her remark.

And that’s why it’s so crucial to make the fight for God to stay in the role of provider and protector in America — which means returning to biblical truths; filling the pews in churches; teaching Bible principles to our youth; and demanding our politicians recognize God-given rights and liberties and stop stretching their powers in places they don’t belong. Without God at the helm, America is just another country; just another plot of land; so, too, America’s allies. Take God out of the picture and Israel is Iran is America is Anywhere; the Jewish people are Hamas terrorists are Israeli occupiers are Western infidels. Who decides? The ones with the biggest guns.

Not everyone wants the same thing. Evil exists. And it cannot coexist with good and godly — no matter how smooth the persuasions of the politicians. That’s just the evil talking.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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